Chapter 19- Making It Official

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I felt something warm and soft on my lips and I smiled at the contact.

Suddenly, I heard a chuckle nearby and I lazily opened my eyes and the person next to me was Shoi-kun, kneeling down to my level and staring at me.

"WAHH!" I immediately sat up and looked at him with a shocked look on my face.

"What're you doing here?!" I shouted at him while taking quick breaths.

"Why, waking you up, of course." He chuckled as he stood up and sat beside me on the bed and only then I had realized one thing...

.....he was wearing his school uniform and I had to get ready as well.

"Okay okay, I get it! You can go out now!" I pushed him out of my room as he chuckled while going out.

"Be ready in 10 minutes if you want to have breakfast." He informed me before I heard footsteps going farther away.

I sighed and took out my school uniform and going to the bathroom to do the regular routine before coming out and tying my brownish-black hair into a high ponytail as I let my side bangs loose.

I walked out and went to the dining room and saw him sitting at the table and eating his breakfast.

"Morning, Eri-chan." Mrs. Imayoshi greeted me as I sat down on the hair and started eating the breakfast which was placed in front of me.

"Morning." I greeted back with a smile and continued eating my breakfast.

We soon finished our breakfast and walked out the house to go to the school.

I felt him hold my hand and intertwined our fingers.

I looked up at him with a smile as he smiled back at me.

We continued walking to the school in a comfortable silence.

"Have a good day, Eri." He gave me a quick kiss on my lips as we reached the school gates.

"Same to you." I replied as we went inside the school and then parted ways to go to our own classroom's.

I sat on my assigned seat next to Wakamatsu and took the books which I'll be needing for the next period.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as Wakamatsu came and took his seat next to me.

"Hey." He replied with his usual tone.

"Did something happened between you and captain? He seems more happier than before." He asked me with a questioning look on his face.

"Uh um. Uh, y-you know. Umm. I-its just. Well, um. Wearedating." I looked at my hands while blushing.

"What?" He asked me as he leaves a bit closer to know what I've said.

"We. Are. Dating." I replied, this time more clearly.

"WHAT?!" He shouted with a very, very shocked look on his face.

"Shhh! Don't shout dude! And yes, we are dating. You don-"

I got cut off by the teacher coming in and starting the lesson.

~~~~~~TimeSkip To Lunch~~~~~~

"How did you both started dating?" Wakamatsu asked me as lunch breal started.

"I don't know? I finally confessed to him on this Saturday and then-"

"We kissed and started dating." The voice of my boyfriend cut me off as he came and sat down in the seat in front of me.

Susa-senpai also came and sat on the seat in front of Wakamatsu.

Susa-senpai and I haven't really  talked to each other, but from what I've heard about him, he's a really kind and a sweet person who prefers to stay out of the spotlight.

"So she's your girlfriend, Imayoshi?" Susa-senpai asked him while pointing at me.

"Yeah, she's the one." He replied and Susa-senpai looked at me with a smile which I gladly returned.

"Everyone in the club now knows about you being my girlfriend, since I told them this morning." Shoi-kun explained with a smirk on his face which was directed to me.

"Okay." I replied as I smiled sweetly at him.


"Yeah, Susa-senpai?"

"Since when do you like Imayoshi?"

"Since, I came back, I guess?"

"Oh." He said and smiled.

We four spent the whole lunch sitting in mine and Wakamatsu's classroom, just talking about things and getting to know each other better- mainly, me and Susa-senpai.

A/N- Hey people! I just want to say that I'll be putting this story on a small hold, for a month maybe, because I have to make guys fall in love with the girls in my other stories as well and also, because I'm always interested in writing this one  Well, I might update in between the month as well, but there will be a update on 11th September for sure!

Till then, if you want, check out my other Knb and Bleach fanfictions!


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