Chapter 14- Confusion

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'Okay, so here's the thing I should know. First, I'm at Shoi-kun's house and that too for a month and if its him, anything is possible.

Second, I've recently realized that I've fallen in love with him, and that's making things awkward between us.

Third, I'm really confused if I should tell him about this or not, because he said that he'll always listen to what I have to say.

Fourth, I'd die of embarrassment if he comes in the room right now.'

Why? Because I'm standing in front of the mirror, not in the bathroom but in the room, in my black panties and bra with just my school shirt and my hair in a bun.

Like seriously, if he opens the door right now, it'll be a disaster for me.

"Eri-chan? You ready yet?" Shoichi said as he entered the room. "Wha- GET OUT!" I shouted at him as I tried to cover my thighs with my arms.

"Okay okay, I'm going. No need to be so shy Eri-chan." He chuckled and went out the room.

I looked back in the mirror and saw my face was red. Of course it will be, since my best friend slash crush slash senior slash neighbor had walked in on me changing.

I changed into my school clothes with my hair in a neat yet messy bun and went downstairs with my bag and saw his parents going out.

"They leave this early?" I asked him as I came in his sight. He nodded towards me as we went towards the dining table for our breakfast.

"Yup. They leave this early everyday. And Eri?" He said.

"Hmm?" I replied while eating my breakfast.

"You should lock your room, what if it was a stalker or something instead of me." I started coughing at this and he just smirked towards me.

"I'm just joking." He added and chuckled while taking our plates and placing them in the basin. We took our bags and started walking towards the school.

The walk was going by in total silence. I was not talking because of the incident that had happened earlier. I was too embarrassed to talk to him now.

"Haha. What are you thinking about Eri?" He pulled me closer to his side by his hand over my shoulders.

I felt heat rising up in my cheeks because of his sudden actions.

"N-nothing." I stuttered and looked in the other direction.

I heard him chuckle lightly for a second and then he went silent as we walked together.

'Huh? Still silent?'

 I turned my face to look at him and saw his face just 4-5 cms away from me.

"WAHH!" I backed away from him and held my heart. "Huh? What's wrong?" He gave me his closed eye smile as he looked at me with 'innocence' on his face.

"What's wrong? Your face was directly in front of me! It scared me you know!" I sighed in the end as I walked closer towards him.

"Yeah. Is there a problem? You were the one who turned your face In the first place. Don't go blaming others when its your fault." He snicked and started walking faster.

"Meanie!" I said and lightly punched his arm.

We reached the school in some minutes and walked towards our classroom's. We both have our club's practice/meeting so we'll go back together as well.


"-So Hamasaki-san, next week you're going to make a tragic love story of 3 pages at max for the competition. Understand?" Yamazaki Ken, the president of the club who's in Shoi-kun's class as well, said to me.

"Yes Yamazaki-senpai." I smiled at him and nodded.

"You all can leave now. Prepare for the next week 'Japan National High School Writing Competition' and do your best everyone." He said and we all walked out the classroom.

I started walking towards the gym to see if Shoi-kun's practice is over yet.

I opened the door to the gym and saw everyone practicing there.

"Do you need anything?" A girl with pink hair asked me politely.

"Nothing. I'm just waiting for their practice to end." I told her.

"I see. Well its not going to end for another hour but if you want, you can wait here with me, Hamasaki-senpai." She suggested.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her since she knew mine but I didn't know hers.

"I'm Momoi Satsuki, first year student and the manager of the basketball team and I know a lot of things about the players and their history. You're captain Imayoshi's childhood friend right?" I nodded towards her as we walked towards a bench to sit and talk.

"And you're in love with him." She stated. "W-what?" I started blushing at what she just said.

She smiled at me. "I knew that you're in love with him. But does he know about that?" She giggled softly.

"Nope. I don't know if I should tell him or not. I'm in total confusion." I exclaimed and sighed.

"If you want to tell him, then do it. But only when the time's right." She said and I nodded.

She was a sweet and kind person. She seems like a person who'll always help other people.

But the question is, should I tell him or not?

A/N- I didn't update for almost 2 weeks (ToT) school is tiring :v
Anyways, I have started a teen fiction, 'You're My Miracle' please tell me how is it ^.^

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