Chapter 23- You're Safe Now

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The next day, Eri woke up still tied to the chair. She hasn't eaten or drank anything since Haruka had kidnapped her and her body was paining a lot.

The only thing that she could do was hope. Hope for Imayoshi Shoichi to save her.

"Momoi did you find the location?" Imayoshi asked her.

It was 7 in the morning and Imayoshi and the other regulars plus the manager were searching Eri's location, and so far, they've managed to find out that it was near them.

"Ah! I found it! Its (Random House)!" Momoi suddenly exclaimed as she finished searching for the location.

All of them looked at each other in happiness as Imayoshi smirked.

Imayoshi was really happy as they found the location, because this meant that he will be able to see Amy again.

"Let's go then.." Imayoshi said and started walking ahead the rest of the group, towards their car.

They went inside the car and started it.

Yoshinori was the one driving the car to the location where Haruka had kept Eri.

Eri was exhausted by 9 am, without having anything to eat or drink, and that too being tied to the chair for the whole time.

Haruka came towards her with a smirk plastered on his face and removed the clothe that was covering her mouth and preventing her from speaking. 

"Speak and say what you want, Eri baby..."

The girl glared weakly at him with pure hatred in her eyes as she muttered her words.

"Shoi...Kun..wi-will come."

She weakly smirked at him with pure confidence.

Haruka's face got angry as he raised his hand and slapped her across the cheek.

Eri winced in pain as she kept her face turned to the side instead of facing him.

"Yeah, Shoi-kun will come for you? Then wait for him! You're gonna regret waiting for him!" He stormed out of the room.

When Haruka was out of the room, Eri smiled weakly to herself as tears started coming out.

"Shoi-kun, please come fast, I know you're on the way..."

"Can't you hurry up a little?" An impatient Imayoshi asked Yoshinori for the thousandth time.

Yoshinori just focused on his driving and didnt say anything to him in reply.

"We're here!" He announced as he stopped the car and everyone got out of the door quickly and started rushing in the mansion quietly.

They all got in the house by picking the house and spread out in groups of two's.

It was Imayoshi and Yoshinori, Wakamatsu and Aomine, Sakurai and Momoi.

Imayoshi and Yoshinori entered a random room and were greeted by a male's back turned to them.

Imayoshi immediately recognized it as Haruka and signalled to Yoshinori to tell him who it was.

They slowly walked up to him and before they could do anything, Haruka suddenly turned around and tried to punch Imayoshi, but his reflexes were too good.

"I see. So four eyes, you finally got here, because of that pink-haired girl, huh?" He smirked at them as he walked closer to them.

Imayoshi opened his eyes slightly and glared at him. He didnt say anything but asked one simple question.

"Where is MY Eri?"

He emphasized on 'My' to show him that they belonged together.

Suddenly, Haruka started laughing in a crazy manner, as if he was mad. Well, he was mad to begin with.

"Hahaha! You think you'll ask me and I'll tel you? Hahahahaha...." He kept on laughing at them.

Both of the guys had enough so they cracked their knuckles and started punching the stupid Haruka.

"Where is Eri?"

"I-I won't tell!" The badly beaten-up Jake said as he laid across the ground helpless with several bruises on his body.

Imayoshi kicked his body for the last time and called Momoi.

"Hello? We took care of Haruka, he's not in any shape to do anything. You better call the police. We'll go search for Eri now."

Imayoshi ended the call after he heard a 'Hai!' from the other side.

They both went out of that room and went upstairs to see if they can find the room where he had keep Amy.

Imayoshi opened the door and saw a figure tied to a chair.

His eyes widened at the sight and he immediately ran up to her.

"Eri!" He got on his knees and freed her from the ropes that were holding her against the chair.

"Hm? S-Shoi-K-kun?" The girl slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly at him.

"S-Shoi-kun, t-thanks for coming." She said as Imayoshi wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.

"I'll always come for you, Eri." He kissed the top of her head and nuzzled his face against her hair.

"Haha... I love you..." She muttered and her eyes closed.

She passed out in Imayoshi's arms peacefully.

Imayoshi smiled and carried the girl bridal style in his arms and looked at Yoshinori.

"Tell everyone that I've got Eri back. And, tell the police everything they ask for."

He told Yoshinori and walked out the room and in the car with Eri in his arms.

He placed Eri on the backseat in a lying down position and kissed her forehead once before going to the driver's seat to start the car.

"Eri, I love you." He couldn't help but smile at her sleeping peacefully and how much his life has changed- in a good way- since Eri came back from America.

He knew that she was the one he truly loved.

A/N- Only one chapter left! Hehe. I really liked writing this story because it was one of my favorite characters story and I knew what the story was going to be about.

Also, check out my other shared account where I'm writing a Free! fan fiction with one of my internet friends ^.^ FangirlsForAnime


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