Chapter 1- Reunited

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"You're going to America?" The 7 year old, Imayoshi Shoichi asked me with a sad look on his face. I slowly nod as I sat down on the swing beside his swing. "Yes Shoi-kun, I'm going to America." I, the 5 year old, Hamasaki Eri, told him as I squeezed his hand lightly.

"Promise me that you'll come back." He says standing up from his swing, pulling me up as well. "I promise that I'll come back." I promised him with a smile on my face.

"You also promise me that you'll always be my best friend." I said. He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Isn't it obvious? I'll always be your friend." He says as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Still, promise me." I said. "Okay, I promise and try to grow your hair longer." He says as he ruffle my shoulder length brownish-black hair.

We pulled away after a few minutes of hugging. He places his hand inside the pocket of his jeand and looks at my dark brown eyes. He then takes my right hand with his free hand and then places something in my hand.

"Keep this with you and don't forget me." He said as I opened my hand and gasped. It was a really pretty charm bracelet with 2 charms, an 'E' and a 'S'. Our initial hanging on it.

"Its really pretty! I'll always keep this with me." I told him as I slid the bracelet in my left hand and smiled at him. He gave me a closed-eye smile in return.

*End Of Flashback*

"Do I really have to go to school, Mom? Its friday, mom, can't I go to school directly on Monday?" I asked her as I fixed my now waist length brownish- black hair and clipped my side bangs which usually comes over my right eye.

"You have to go, get all the information about your class and all, then you can rest tomorrow. You can see him after you come back, okay?" She said.

"Okay Mom! I'll be going now, bye!" I said as I walked out the door and started walking towards the direction of Touou Academy. My uniform consists of a knee length black skirt, white short sleeves shirt with a red bow and white socks as well.

I'm now almost 16 years old, a second-year student at Touou Academy.

'Wonder in which high school Shoi-kun is, he should be a third-year as far as I know.'

I thought as I entered the gates of Touou Academy.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A lady in her mid 30's asked me as I entered the reception.

"I'm Hamasaki Eri, I'm a new student." I told her and took out a few papers from the drawers.

"Here are your papers, it has your schedule and a map of the school as well. Do you need someone to accompany you?" She asked me.

"No thank you. I think I can manage." I thanked her and walked out the reception.

I opened the papers and saw I was in class 2-1.

'2-1, now where is-'

My thoughts were interrupted by someone bumping into me, making me drop all of my papers.

"Sumimasen! Sumimasen!" The person spoke as I collected my papers and then stood up again.

"Its fine, it was my fault as well, sorry about that." I told the tall guy-considering I'm 5"4, he was tall- with brown eyes as he looked at me.

"I'm Hamasaki Eri, and you?" I asked him as I extended my left hand towards him. He shook my hand gently.

"I'm Sakurai Ryo." He said and before I can say anything else, a voice interrupts me.

"What are you doing here, Sakurai?" The person behind me said. I jumped a little from suddenly hearing the voice and turned around fastly.

There stood a really tall guy, around 6 feet, with dark brown hair with his eyes closed and spectacles looking at me.


I thought as I observed him a bit more. He opened his eyes a little and looked at me in shock. "Eri-chan?" He asks.


I thought with a smile and nodded towards him.

"Eri-chan!" He says once more while wrapping his arms around my shoulders pulling me in a tight hug.

"You're finally back" he said happily. "Yeah Shoi-kun, I'm back like I promised" I told him as I hugged him back.

"And your hair are longer." He says while running his hand through my waist length hair. "Yeah, I can manage them now." I said as I pulled away and kept the papers in my bag.

He suddenly takes my left hand and looks at it. "You still have that bracelet." He said while looking at the bracelet he gave me 10 years ago.

"Obviously I do. Look at you! You're so damn tall now!" I exclaimed happily with a huge smile on my face. He gives me a closed eye smile in return. "And you're so short." He jokes.

A/N- here's the first chapter of my new story! Hope you'll like it! :)
- TheColdFire13

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