Chapter 6- Practice Match

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"You're going to study in the library and wait for the practice natch to end?" Wakamatsu asked me.

"Yeah, I have to tell Shoi-kun something really important so I want to tell him as soon as possible and in the mean time, I'll study too." I told him and he nodded.

"Okay." He said and we came across the gym. "Bye! Win this match!" I said and headed off to the library. I found a seat near the window and saw it was raining.

I took out my maths supplies as well as my phone to text Shoichi.

Eri: Tell me when your match is over.

Shoi-kun: Why?

Eri: Cause I'm in library, studying :3

Shoi-kun: Studying? Okay I'll tell you.

I put my phone down and started working on the maths problems which is given to us as homework.

After and hour or so I was able to finish my homework.

'I'll just wait outside the gym.'

I thought as I walked out the library and towards the gym when-

"Eri." A familiar voice called to me from behind. I stood frozen on the place for a few moments in shock before turning around and saw it was Fujioka Haruka.

The person who has black hair with dark blue eyes and a height of 5"7. He had the devilish smirk plastered on his face which can make any girl drool over him but I wasn't one of them, anymore.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked trying to sound confident. "A practice match, of course. And that four eyes is the captain? I'm impressed Eri baby." He said while walking forward.

"Stop calling me that. What is the real reason you're here?" I asked him as I started walking backwards trying to distance myself from him.

"For you, of course." He replied with his smirk. I gulped. "Oh yeah? Well you're not getting me." I told him as I turned around and started walking towards the gym.

I heard footsteps getting closer so I started running. "You can't run away from me Eri baby! I'll always be where you are!"

I heard him shout at me as I reached the gym and saw Shoichi coming out just as I reached there.

"Waah!" I exclaimed as I bumped into Shoichi because I wasn't able to stop myself from running. He caught me in time to stop the both of us from falling.

"Hamasaki-san?!" Wakamatsu spoke confused. "Why were you running?" Shoichi asked me with a concerned look as I calmed down.

"No apparent reason." I told him as he removed his arms.

"This girl is not as big as Satsuki but is decent." A boy with Dark blue hair and dark skin spoke. "Dai-chan!" A girl with long pink hair scolded him.

"Aomine, it will be really nice if you don't speak like that to her." Shoichi said referring to me.

"Huh? Why?" Aomine asked him. "That's because I won't tolerate your behavior with her." He told the the 'Aomine' guy.

"Whatever, let's go Satsuki." He said and walked away with 'Satsuki' girl behind him.

"Who is she?" A tall guy with short black hair asked Shoichi. "I'm Hamasaki Eri." I introduced myself with a smile. "I'm Susa Yoshinori. Why exactly are you here?" He asked me.

"Oh ya! Shoi-kun, I have to talk to you. Let's go!" I turned around and grabbed his arm making him come with me.

"So why exactly were you running?" He asked me again as we started walking outside the school in the rain. Thinking about the incident that happened with Haruka, it made me want to cry.

"He was here." I said while looking at my feet as I walked. "Who?" He asked me with worry. "Fujioka Haruka." I told him as tears streamed down my face but the rain covered it all.

"How do you know him?" He asked me and I looked at him in shock. "You know him..?" I said. "He's the captain of the school we had the practice match today with." He explained. "Oh" I said.

He suddenly stopped walking. I stopped and looked at him. I saw he was walking towards me with a worried look on his face and his eyes were open as well.

"What is it Eri? Why are you crying?" He asked as he placed both of his hands on my cheeks, wiping my tears.

"I- I, Shoi-kun, he's back! He's back with the same motive!" I exclaimed as I started crying again.

Shoichi pulled me close to him as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

"Eri, what is it?" He asked me again as I hugged him back.

'Tell him now. I will tell him what happened 3 years ago. I will tell him what happened to Jake.'

I thought as I opened my mouth to tell him.

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