Chapter 3- Catching Up (Part 2)

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"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted as I entered my house.

"Eri, Imayoshi's have invited us for dinner tonight, so be ready by 5. We'll go first and your dad will directly come their after he has finished his work." Mom informed me as she came out of the kitchen.

"Okay mom! Oh, mom you know, Shoi-kun is in Touou as well! He's the basketball club's captain!" I exclaimed happily.

"That's great news, Eri! He's a really good boy." Mom said. "And I'll get you your lunch in your room in some time." She added and went back into the kitchen.

I went upstairs and opened the door to my room.

'The day was so long!'

I thought as I layed down on my queen sized bed.

'I'll have to get ready by 5'

I thought as my mom came into my room with my lunch. "Thanks mom!" I exclaimed and she left. I started digging in.

After I finished my lunch, it was already 4 o'clock. I put the plates on my study table and opened my wardrobe.

'Shorts plus top or dress? Dress!'

I thought happily as I pulled out a knee length, sleeveless, white colored dress with blue and pink flower print on it.

I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes and then took off the clips in my hair, letting my side bangs come over my right eye as my waist length hair were already left loose.

I combed my hair to solve any knots in it and then put my hair in a side braid on my left as my side bangs were left loose.

I grabbed my phone and headed to the living room. "You're ready at 4:20? Well, I'll get ready in around 10 minutes and then we'll go okay?" Mom said as she went to her and dad's room to get changed.

I opened the shoe rack and took out my navy blue wedges and put them on.

By the time mom was ready, it was 4:40 pm. "Let's go." She said and I nodded. We went outside and mom locked the door.

"It was really nice meeting her after 10 years." Mom said talking about Mrs. Imayoshi. "Same with me, Shoi-kun is still the same.!" I told her with a smile as we crossed the road and were outside the house which was in front of our house.

Mom rang the doorbell and soon the door opened revealing a woman, Shoi-kun's mother.

"Eri! You have grown so much! Look at how beautiful you have become!" She said and I blushed a little at her comment.

"Thankyou, Mrs. Imayoshi. You are as cheerful as always!" I said with a smile as we entered her house.

"Yes Eri. Shoichi is not home yet, you can wait for him in his room if you want." She told me. "I will wait for him in his room. Bye!" I said and went upstairs to his room.

I opened the door and sat on the chair which was in front his study table.

'It's almost like before.'

I thought as I observed his room a bit more. I hopped out the chair and sat on his bed. I looked around and waited for him for about 20 minutes when the door to his room opened.

"Eri?" Shoichi asked me with confusion. "The one and only!" I replied and i stood up.

"Basketball practice?" I asked him and he nodded and placed his bag on the chair and sat down on the bed. "Yeah." He replied.

"Shoichi, Eri, if you two want I will get your dinner in your room." Shoichi's mom suggested as she entered the room with some snacks and two glasses of juice.

"Thanks mom, we will have our dinner here" Shoichi replied and she nodded and went outside the room.

I sat down on the bed next to him and ate the chips she gave us. "I will be back in a few minutes." He said as he stood up and took out some clothes from his wardrobe and went to the bathroom.

He came out a few minutes later wearing denim jeans and a plain black T-shirt and saw that I had finishes half of the snacks and drank my juice.

"A fast eater as always." He commented on my speed. "Yeah." I replied.

"You have quite a group of fangirls." I told him as he sat down next to me. "Fangirls?" He said and I nodded.

"After the break, a group of three girls approached me and asked me how I know you and when I told them we are childhood friends, they sighed." I told him as I started laughing.

After some time, his mom came back with our dinner and we thanked her and she went back. We ate the dinner while talking to each other when suddenly my phone beeped. I unlocked my phone and saw a message. I opened it.

Haruka: You look hot in your new uniform ;)

'Haruka? How does he know that I am here? Is he-'

"Eri-chan you are not listening." Shoichi said as he pouted slightly. "Sorry Shoi-kun." I apologized to him with a small smile.

"Who was it that is more important than me?" He complained. "No one, just a chain message." I lied and faked a smile. He seemed to have noticed my smile but shrugged it off and continued what he was saying.

"Erk! It's time to go!" Mom shouted from downstairs interrupting our talk. "Coming!" I shouted back and stood up. "I will see you tomorrow." Shoichi said as he stood up as well.

"Yeah" I replied and he pulled me in another hug. I hugged him back happily. "I am glad you are back." He said. "I am glad to be back!" I exclaimed happily with a short laugh. He pulled away and ruffled my hair as he gave me his closed eye smile.

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