Chapter 11- Feelings? For Him?

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"Did something happened at home?'' Shoichi asked me as we walked around the school hallways. I slowly nodded and sighed.

"You see, my mom, she saw me and-


"What happened to you Eri?!" My mom asked me as she came into my room with dinner and saw my bruised cheek.

"N-nothing mom! I'm fine." I tried to smile at her while saying this.

"No you're not. Who did this to you?" She asked me again as she put her hands on her hips and stood in front of me.

"Oh really? Eri, I know when you're lying, so tell me this instant what happened or else I'll call Shoichi and ask him what happened since you two were together."

"M-mom, its really nothing. You s-see, i-it was just a b-ball wh-which came o-out of n-nowhere and h-hit me." I stuttered and make up a lie on the spot.

She sighed heavily and shook her head. "You need to be more careful Eri. You had me really worried there." She said.

"Sorry for making you worry mom. I'll be careful from now on!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Good. Now let's get your cheek treated." "Hai!" I said and followed her out of my room.

"End of Flashback*

He snickered at my story. "Shut up Shoi-kun! Its not funny!" I told him as I looked away with a slight blush on my face.

"It was." He said and poked my cheek which had gotten hurt. I winced a little because of the slightly pain I felt when he poked my cheek.

"It still hurts?" He asked me as he looked at me with a worried look on his face. "Yeah, not much but it does hurt." I said as I lightly touched my cheek.

"You didn't take care of your cheek, right?" He sighed. "Um...." I had no idea what to say since what he said was right, I didn't do anything for my cheek.

"Stupid, take care of your cheek from now on." He said as he ruffled my hair as the bell rang, signalling the end of the break.

"Yeah, I will. At least I'll try." I felt my cheeks getting hot because of his actions.

'Why is it? Do I like him in that way?' I asked myself.

"I have practice today, I'll see you tomorrow at the game." He said and went to his class while I went back to my class.


The school ended and I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling with just one thought in my mind.

'Do I like Shoi-kun in that way?'

For the whole time after the break, I was thinking about him and how his actions made me blush on the spot, which had never happened to me before.

'Why am I feeling this way? This way about him...? This means I like him. Wait! Did I just admit I like him?'

I asked myself as I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

I noticed that my cheeks were slightly red.

'Is it because of him?'

I asked myself as I went back to lying on my bed.

"Uhhh!'" I groaned and closed my eyed in frustration.

'Why am I feeling this? Just what is happening to me!?'

"Eri?" Mom entered my room as I sat up and opened my eyes. "Yes mom?" I said with a smile. "We have to go to my sister's house tomorrow. She came here yesterday only. You'll go right?" She asked me.

"Of course mom! I'll go with you tomorrow!" I smiled and she nodded and walked out my room.


I physically slapped myself in frustration.

'I'll message him.'

I took out my phone and opened his contact.

Amy: Shoi-kun I can't go to your match tomorrow :( I have to go to my Aunt's house instead. I'm sorry.

I pressed send and put my phone down. My phone beeped after a few seconds. I saw a new message from Shoi-kun.

Shoi-kun: No need to apologize. Its fine, I understand.

Amy: Thankyouuuu~! :')

Shoi-kun: You'll have to make up for it though.

'Huh?' I typed in a reply with confusion.

Amy: How?

Shoi-kun: I'll think of it later. I have to go now. Bye Eri.

Amy: Okay, bye Shoi-kun :D

'What does he have in his mind? If its him, there's no telling what he's thinking.'

I thought to myself.

'Does he like me.....?'

I mentally slapped myself at this thought.

'Damn it.'

'Hamasaki Eri, you are in love with your childhood friend, Shoichi. Get ready for the new things to come, happiness or sadness.'

I thought to myself.

'I'm still happy that's its Shoi-kun I fell I in love with.'

I closed my eyes and smiled.

'But its nothing if he doesn't feel the same way for you, Eri.'

A/N- hey people! Thanks For reading~! Check out my other KNB fan fictions as well if you want ^_^

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