Chapter 13- Going To Imayoshi's House

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"Eri, are you ready?" Mom asked me as she came inside my room. "Yes mom, I'm ready." I assured her as I looked in the full length mirror. My hair were left loose, I was wearing black shorts and white tank top with YEAH! written in black.

"Okay. Should we go now?" Mom suggested and I nodded. "Yeah, sure." I said as I held the two bags, which had my clothes and daily needs.

"Okay Eri. We are going to the airport now too since it will take some time to get there and then the checking and all." Mom said as we reached downstairs. The time was 10:12 pm now.

"Eri, be a good girl and don't cause trouble for them." Dad said with a smile which meant that he's joking. "I'm a good girl dad!" I laughed and he joined me.

"Okay, you both go to Imayoshi's and I'll come there when the cab is here." Dad said as we nodded and went to Imayoshi's house.

Mom ringed the bell and the door opened in some seconds. The door was opened by Shoichi who was wearing dark blue shorts and black T-shirt.

"Oh. Come in Eri. Its good to know that you'll stay here for a month." He smiled at us. "Eri, be a good girl. I'll call you everyday. Okay? Take care." Mom hugged me and I hugged her back almost immediately.

"Yes, Mom. I get it. Take care and enjoy." I said as we pulled away. "Bye Eri. Bye Shoichi." Mom said as she went back to the house.

"My parents are asleep so I'll take you to your room." Shoichi said as he took my bags from my hand and I nodded as I followed him inside the house.

"Here it is. Your usual room. Remember you used to stay either in this room or in my room earlier." He placed my bags on the bed and sat down.

"Yeah, I remember." I blushed slightly at his words. I looked at him and he was looking at me with a frown on his face. "Uh you okay?" I asked him.

"Me? I'm fine. You? What about you? You're the one acting weird since many days you know." He explained with a sigh in the end. "Me? Acting weird? Pfffft! I'm not acting weird. I'm my usual self." I said with a soft laugh.

"You can lie to yourself but not me." He said as he stood up and went towards the door. "Good night Eri." He said and went outside the room. "Good night Shoi-kun....?" I was confused with his behavior.

'Is it that obvious that I'm nervous around him?' 

I closed my eyes as I tried to sleep.


"Wake up." Someone spoke while poking my cheek. "Uh 5 more minutes." I spoke as I turned around in the bed. I heard the person sigh. "Wake up Eri!." The familiar voice said once again.

"Hmm?" I slowly opened my eyes and Shoi-kun standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. "What's the time?" I asked him as I closed my eyes once more.

"Its 7:30 am. Now, wake up!" He replied getting slightly irritated by me. "Its too early! Just 1 more hour~!" I complained to him. He sighed once more. "You're not going to wake, are you?" He said and I shook my head with a mischievous smile on my face.

"You're not going to listen so I'll go now." He said and i heard footsteps going out of the room. 

'Heh, 1more hour of sleep!'

I smiled and continued to try to sleep.

After 5 minutes I wasn't able to sleep, I was just lying on my bed with my eyes closed and trying to sleep, which was not happening. 

'Ugh! I wanted to sleep! God!' 

I internally slapped myself for not being able to sleep.

Hey, don't look at me like that. I wanted to sleep and now I wasn't able to because I had been woken up by Shoichi and I talked to him so I got disturbed and now I can't sleep.

Talking about Shoichi, where is he now? He's not the one to just let me sleep peacefully. He's always the one who wants things to be done by his ideas, and wants the good for the people he cares. Sometimes its a bad things, but mostly its a good too.

"Not gonna wake up?" I heard him come into my room. "Nope. Too lazy." I replied and shook my head. I heard him sigh, yet again. "You asked for it." He said.

"Asked fo- AHH! GOD!" I Screamed and sat up as he poured cold water on me. Not a cup, not a glass but enough water to fill a big jar.

"Why did you do this?!" I asked him as he chuckled at me. I stood up and looked at him. My hair, my face and my top were wet because of the cold water.

His eyes were slightly opened and they were looking below my face. ''God! I didn't know you are a pervert now! Get out of the room!" I covered my chest with my hands as I realized my black bra was visible because my white tank top was sticking to my skin.

"You better get change or you'll catch a cold." He slowly walked out the room while chuckling at me. 'That idiot!' I took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom and saw my face was red, probably because of blushing.

'God, I have to stay here for one month with him. And its just been less than 24 hours and look what happened. How am I gonna survive the month without making things awkward between us?'

 I face palmed and sighed.

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