Chapter 5- Studying

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*1 week later*

"I'm going now! Bye mom!" I said as I walked out the house as I heard the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Shoichi's back as he was leaning on the gate.

"Morning Shoi-kun!" I greeted him happily as I walked out the gates and met him. "Morning." he replied as he looked at me.

"Let's go now." He said as we both started walking towards the school.

"Shoi-kun?" I said. He hmm'ed without even looking at me. "I need your help." I told him.

That caught his attention as he looked at me with a slightly worried look on his face.

"What do you need my help in?" He asked me.

"I need your help in studying Japanese. I kind of forgot the Japanese history and something something, that's why. Will you help me?" I asked him as I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"You know I will help you. No need to look at me like that. I'll come to your house later in the evening since its Friday. Is that fine?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Yes its fine! Thankyou Shoi-kun!" I exclaimed and hugged him in the middle of the street. He chuckled and patted my head.

"Hey! Dont touch my hair! It takes time to get it in a neat ponytail!" I told him as fixed my hair which were in a high ponytail with my bangs clipped.

"Whatever." He said as we reached the school and went to our classrooms.

"Morning Wakamatsu-kun!" I greeted him as I took my seat. "Morning Hamasaki-san." He greeted me back.

"Does the basketball club has practice today?" I asked him. "Yeah, we have practice today because next week, on wednesday we're having a practice game."

He explained and I nodded and then enetered the teacher.

*Timeskip to the last period*

"-I want the assignment to be submitted by Monday. That is all." Our Japanese teacher said and walked out the classroom.

"Japanese, japanese everywhere." I muttered

"Hm? Are you having problems with japanese?" Wakamatsu asked me.

'Must've heard me'

I thought. "Yeah, I'm having problems with it. But don't worry, Shoi-kun is going to help me." I told him with a smile and he nodded.

"I have to go, see you on Monday Wakamatsu-kun!" I said and walked out the classroom when my phone vibrated. I took out my phone and saw many missed calls from one person, Fujioka Haruka.

I walked outside the school and now I was on my way to my house when I took out my phone and dialed Haruka's number. He picked it up after the second ring.

"What the hell is your problem!?" I asked him.

"You baby. I want you back." Came the reply from him.

"Listen Haruka, we're over. Move on, and stop irritating me!" I told him angrily.

"I will have you back, Eri baby. Just wait and watch." His reply was followed by his disgusting laughter.

"Yeah, like hell you would! You're in America and I'm in Japan!" I told him while sticking my tongue out even though he can't see me.

"Tch tch. You've got the wrong idea. I'm where you are. I'll be where you are." His reply made me stop walking and stand on one place.

"Wha-" "Yes. I'm in Japan and very close to you. Watch your back and tell that four-eyes to back off from you. On second thought, I'll do it myself. Bye Eri baby~" He hanged up.

'He's in Japan and he knows where I am. But why? How? The hell does he want from me?'

I thought to myself as I entered my house and was greeted by my mom.

"Mom, Shoi-kun will come later to help me study." I informed as I sat down on the dining table and ate my lunch in silence.

"Okay Eri. I'll make some snacks for you both." She said while smiling and I smiled back.

I finished my lunch and went back to my room and changed into a plain back T-shirt and black and white leggings.

I took out my Japanese assignment and books and placed it on my bed.

After some hours, someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I said absent mindly. "You have everything ready" Shoichi said as he came in and sat down on the bed beside me.

"Yeah." I replied. "So what do you need my help in?"

"Well-" and we started studying Japanese and I got pretty much of it due to his patience and help. The whole time I was writing answers, I felt him staring at me.

"Thanks Shoi-kun. You've helped me a lot today." I thanked him with the best fake smile I can make.

"Eri, what is wrong?" He asked me with a frown on his face.

"Huh? There's nothing wrong." I said as I stood up and placed the study material on my study table. "There is. You are fake smiling since we've started studying." He has point. I've been fake smiling the whole time because Haruka's word was in my head.

"There's nothing wrong, you're worrying for nothing Shoi-kun!" I exclaimed with a short laugh as I sat down beside him.

"Then say it while looking in my eyes." He said as he opened his eyes and looked into my eyes as if trying to find the truth.

"I-I, ugh!" I looked down at my hands which were resting on my lap.

"What is wrong Eri? You can tell me everything, you're my best friend right?" He said as he placed his hands on top of mine.

I looked at him with tears threatening to escape from my eyes.
"Eri." He spoke and I rested my head on his chest trying to stop myself from crying in front of him.

"Its okay Eri-chan. You don't have to tell me now, but promise to tell me when you are comfortable." He said as he rubbed my back with one hand and patted my head with the other.

"O-okay." I promised him as tears escaped from my eyes and cried in his arms. Soon enough I drifted into sleep while hugging him.

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