Chapter 12- Are You Kidding Me?!

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"Bye Shoi-kun, I'll see you later!" I said as I walked towards my house and he went towards his.

'Hmm? Is mom not home?'

I thought as I knocked on the door and ringed the bell. But no one answered.

"Your mom is in my house." Someone spoke from behind, scaring me as I jumped slightly.

"God! Don't scare me like that!" I said as I turned around and saw Shoi-kun with a key, precisely my key in his hand.

"You're easily scared." He chuckled as he came and opened the door with the key, he held the door open and I stepped inside as he locked the door afterwards.

"They're going to talk for sometime so your mom asked me to come here." He said as he sat on the ouch in the living room.

"Okay. I'll be back in some minutes." I said and rushed to my room and quickly changed into white shorts and a black crop top with infinity sign on it with my hair open.

"You want to eat?" I asked him as I came back to the living room. "Yes." He said and I nodded while going to the kitchen to get some food for the both of us.

I went back after some minutes with two plates of food and some juice for the both of us. I placed them on the table as we both took a plate and started eating our food.

It has been a week since I've realized my feelings about him and I'm been nervous around him lately and he had noticed it.

"You got selected into the writing club." He suddenly spoke as he gave me his closed eye smile.

"Woah really?" I asked him. "Yes." He confirmed.

"YAY IM SO HA- Wait! How do you know this?" I questioned him.

"I told the president of the club to tell me about your results instead." He smirked and continued eating.

"Oh wow." I rolled my eyes and continued eating as well with a faint blush on my cheeks.

We finished eating after 20 minutes and talked about school, basketball, and many more things and he seemed to have noticed my behavior, which was different.

"Eri, why are you nervous? Is something wrong?" He asked me with concern as he looked at me.

I blushed a little and looked at my feet.

"Tell me." He said, more like ordered.

I raised my head opened my mouth to tell him that its nothing but instead I got cut off by my mom coming in the living room.

"Mom? When did you come home?" I asked her as she smiled.

"Just now Eri. I was talking to her about some important thing that's why I wasn't home." She explained, referring to Shoichi's mom.

She took a seat on the couch in front of us and looked at me.

"Uh is something w-wrong?" I sweatdropped as they smiled at me.
"Nothing Eri." Mom said and shook her head.

"Its just me and your dad have to go to Australia for some business matters on Sunday, the day after tomorrow." She added.

"Australia? That's a great place!" I exclaimed happily.

"For a whole month." She said. "Oh." I spoke out.

I have been home alone many times so it won't be a problem cause I can manage on my own, as far as I think.

"And I've arranged a place for you to stay." My mom said after few seconds.

"Huh? A place? Mom! C'mon! I'm not a little kid anymore, I can manage on my own!" I complained to her.

"I know Eri, but we've just came to Japan after 10 years and you don't remember much about it that's why I think you should stay at Imayoshi's for a month." Mom explained.

"Oh. I'll be there? Then I don't have any complains!" I said calmly with a smile on my face.

'Are you kidding me mom?! I have to stay with Shoi-kun, the guy I've just realized my feelings for?!'

I screamed in my head as I remained calm on the outside.

"Ah it will be really nice that you'll stay with us for a month Eri." Shoi-kun said as he put he put his arm around my shoulders and smiled, more like smirked, at me.

"Yeah, it will be!" I laughed softly and smiled back at him with a tiny blush on my face.

"That's great! So, Eri. We have to leave on Sunday, at 2 am. So why don't you go to their house tomorrow night?" My mom suggested.

"Yeah, it will be really nice if you'll come tomorrow." Shoichi agreed with my mom and I nodded.

"Okay mom. I'll go to his house tomorrow night." I told her as she smiled and stood up.

"Oh! Eri, I'll pack your bag so don't you worry about it. I'll go and pack my bag first." She said and sent towards her room.

"I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow, Eri-chan." Shoichi said as he stood up.

"Okay. Bye Shoi-kun!" I walked with him to the door and closed it after he went outside.

'Amy, get ready to stay with him for a whole month. Just, be ready. Be ready and don't think about your feelings. GAH! WHAT AM I SAYING! Of course I'll think about it. I'm in love with my best friend. Ugh, I just hope nothing awkward happens to us in the month.'

I closed my eyes and prayed to god.

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