Chapter 4- Day Out

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"You ready yet?" Shoichi asked me from my room as I finished putting on my clothes in the bathroom. I opened the door and greeted him with a smile.

"Seriously? You just come inside my room and threw my clothes on me and tell me to get change when I'm sleeping?" I asked him as I clipped my bangs.

I was waken up by him throwing a pair of denim shorts and white tanktop with a blue heart in it on me. He told me get changed while throwing them on me.

"You look cute. Let's go now." He said as he grabbed my hand and lead me outside the house. "Wait! I am hungry!" I complained.

"Well eat on our way." He said as we walked to who knows where.

"What has gotten into you, Shoi-kun?" I asked him as I walked beside him. "Its not wrong to tale my childhood friend out on a holiday." He said as he gave his closed eye smile.

"So what's the plan?" I asked him with an annoyed look on my face. "Breakfast and then a movie." He said as we arrived at a cafe and took a seat near the window.

"Hot chocolate and chocolate pastry." I told him my order without even looking at the menu as he nodded as got up to place our orders. In the mean time I took my phone out and saw a message has just arrived.

Haruka: Shorts make you look hot ;)

I felt my eyes widen at his message.

'How did he..?'

I looked around to see if he was here or not. I did not see him anywhere and sighed in relief.

"You okay? You were looking around panicking." He asked me as he placed my pastry and hot chocolate in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him with a smile and then started digging in. He didn't look like he believed me but let it go for the moment.

"So which movie are you planning?" I asked him as we arrived at the ticket counter of the mall. "The Ring." He told me with a smile. "T-the ring?" I said as I stood frozen on the ground with my eyes widened.

"Looks like Eri-chan is still scared of horror movies." He said chuckling as he both two tickets. "Let's go then."

He said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the hall as we took our seats which was in the top left corner of the hall.

"I'm always here if you're scared." He said with a laugh. "Like yeah, I am not scared of this movie." I told him confidently while in reality, I was shit scared of this movie.

"We'll see that." He said as he ruffled my hair. "Whatever." I said and the movie started.


"You were really scared during the whole movie." He laughed as we walked out the theater.

"Stop laughing or else I won't talk to you ever." I told him as I walked faster than him with my arms crossed.

"Sorry Eri-chan. I won't laugh at your scared reaction now." He said as he laughed again and put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his side.

"You're mean!" I whined as I looked away.

"You're too cute." He said with a smile. "Yeah yeah." I replied as I walked beside him. "Its 5 pm now." He said as he looked at his watch.

"Hm? Its 5 already?" I said as he nodded. "There's one more place left to take you." He said as he started walking towards who knows where again.

"Now what is it this time?" I complained.

"You'll love this place, I can guarantee you that." He said as he gave me his closed eye smile.

"Hmph. Fine, but if its not good, then you'll see it." I warned him as I looked at him. He just ruffled my hair in response.

"We there yet?" I asked him for the fifth time. "You're impatient Eri-chan. Learn to wait." He said as we walked to the place he was sure I'll love.

"Fineee." I whined as I closed my eyes and let him drag me wherever he wanted to.

"We're here." He told me and I opened my eyes. My mouth slightly opened as I stared at the place in front of me in an awe motion.

"Close your mouth" Shoichi said and I closed my eyes and looked at him with a huge smile on my face.

"I told you that you'll love it, didn't I?" He said and I nodded in response. "You remembered this park? I loved coming to this park!" I exclaimed happily.

"Of course. Its the park where we met each other and I had to get you here." He told me with a gentle smile on his face.

"I love you Shoi-kun! You're the best!" I exclaimed happily as I put my arms around his neck and hugged him. He chuckled softly as he hugged me back.

"I know that Eri-chan." He joked as he rubbed my back gently.

"Whatever, let's go to the swings!" I said as I grabbed his hand and walked towards the swing with him by my side. I sat down on one swing as he sat down in the other swing.

"Wanna race?" He asked me. "Of course, but don't let it get to you when I beat you!" I told him as I smirked. "As if." He said and we started swinging to see who can swing faster.


A/N- so here's the new chapter! For the people who are reading this book of my mine, thank you! :')
Also check out 'It's Complicated' by Annieoned! Its an amazing book!

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