Chapter 24- Ending

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Eri's POV

"Urghh...." I grunted as I slowly opened my eyes and tried to move my arms but they were paining a lot so I couldn't move them.

I tried lifting up my hands but some thing was holding them down.

I looked at my hands and saw a pillow resting on top of one and Shoi-kun holding the other one tightly in his hand.

I smiled to myself as I sat up on the bed carefully and trying not to move my hand so that he won't take up because of me.

"Uh... Eri?" Shoi-kun asked in a low voice as he put on his spectacles and looked at me. I just smiled at him in return as I had no energy to reply to him.

He sighed in relief and smiled a big smile with his eyes slightly open and looking at me with love in his eyes.

"I'm really glad you're okay!" He got on the bed beside me and wrapped his arms around me.

I hugged him back as I rested my head on his chest with a slight blush visible on my face. He kissed the top of my head before nuzzling his face into my hair.

We stayed there for what felt like hours, which I wanted to be forever, but in reality, it was only 7 minutes and pulled away.

"So... What happened to Haruka now?" I suddenly asked him as I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from crying.

He had kidnapped me and prevented me from eating or drinking anything and restrained my movements, and had slapped me as well.

Thinking about him and that time made me want to cry once again.

"Jail. I got you out of there and told everyone else to care of him and tell police everything Haruka had done to you."

I nodded and looked down at my hands.

He sighed before putting grabbing my chin and making me looks at him.

"I should've listened when you said something was wrong. I'm sorry. Eri. I really am sorry." He said as he rested his forehead on mine.

"You don't have to say sorry, silly! Its not your fault that I got kidnapped. But you still saved me despite all that. So don't say sorry, Shoi-kun, just don't."

I smiled at him and giggled to myself.

He closed the distance between out lips slowly. I kissed him back almost immediately while smiling into the kiss.

The kiss was full of passion and love.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him as I put my hands on his chest.

He smirked into the kiss as he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I parted my mouth, giving him full access to my mouth as his tongue left nowhere untouched inside.

I lightly pushed his shoulders to let him know that I needed air, and he pulled away but didnt remove his arms from around me.

He nuzzled his face into my neck while lightly kissing it.

"Shoi-kun~" I moaned lightly as he bit lightly on the skin of my neck before pulling away.



"I love you."

He said with a smile and kissed my cheek before pulling me in a tight hug.

"I love you too, Shoi-kun."

I replied with a smile on my face as I hugged him back.

I know that he is the one.

I know that he is the one for me, the one who's perfect for my life partner.

The one who I could always depend on, no matter what will happen, he will always be there.

He kissed my lips once again before he told me to rest some more as he went to order something to eat.

'I love you, Shoi-kun...'


A/N- I know that its not a good ending whatsoever xD but don't worry~! I will be writing about their future as well in a different book which will be published soon~! It will be a short one shot kind of most probably, like and epilogue? But I'll be writing the main points! :D

See you people!


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