Random photos of my handwritten first draft.
(Yes, I did handwrite most of this story.)
(A/N: (above) If you can see those weird symbols on the 3rd last line that look a little like [ ] <—those but without the bottom line (with usually a loop upwards), I'll explain. Since sometimes my handwriting can be slanted at times, I use to find it difficult to recognise when I'd handwrite something in italics, so that's my strange made up symbol that means the words between are in italics. I know...I'm weird.)
(A/N: (above) I used a calligraphy pen with brown ink for fun.)
Romance"Sex isn't the most important part of a relationship. It's just a bonus." Renna has been told many times that sex is an important part of life and vital in a relationship, but as a sex-repulsed asexual, she has no desire for sexual intimacy- -ever...