How It All Began

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March 7, 2018: On The Hoenn Island

Meet 10-year-old Charlie, who moved out of his parent’s home exactly one week ago to live in a house on the edge of the woods. He has only one Pokemon, his Ralts. He has loved and cared for her ever since he found her on the side of the path that his new home was on. He gets money for food by selling extra stuff he has, and the occasional battle with his Ralts.

Charlie was walking down a path trying to get home after he had to buy jelly because you cannot have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without jelly when two big seventeen-year-olds came walking down the path in the opposite direction.

“Oh, not you again!” Charlie exclaimed. He put his Ralts in his Pokeball to keep her safe. 

“Hey, twerp.” the one in front said. His name is Dan.

“I believe you gotta pay the toll to continue walking down this path.” The one behind Dan said. His name is Parsons.

“Yeah, 1000 Pokedollars please.” Dan agreed.

Now you must keep in mind that 100 Pokedollars is about one American Dollar in our world. So what Dan and Parsons, the two bullies, are asking of Charlie is the rough equivalent of $10 in American dollars in our world.

“B-b-b-but, I don’t h-have any m-money! I spent the l-last of it on this j-jar of jelly!” Charlie exclaimed.

“Welp, guess you’re paying the alternate way, since you refuse to give us money, just like the last seven times,” Dan exclaimed.

“Yep, starting with this,” Parsons said as he shoved 10-year-old Charlie to the ground.

As Charlie tried to stand back up, Dan punched him back down to the ground.

At that point, the Pokeball fell off Charlie's belt and popped open.

Now Ralts, and its evolved form Gardevoir has the psychic ability to talk to any Pokemon, or any human, in their language, in whoever's brain it wants. The Ralts or Gardevoir could talk to everybody’s brain or just a select few. Back to the story.

Ralts jumped out of her Pokeball, and gave a few sort-of good attacks on Dan and Parsons, before getting knocked to the ground herself.

“Ralts is disappointed in you two.” Ralts said to the two bullies.

“Nobody cares what ‘Ralts’ thinks, you stupid leaf!” Dan yelled.

“Yeah, shut up, you pathetic excuse for a Pokemon!” Parsons agreed.

“I-I-I-I c-care what she thinks!” stuttered Charlie.

“Nobody cares what you think either, twerp!” Parsons said.

“Yes, but I do.” said a voice, which at that moment, nobody could see.

Then at that moment, Mew, a rare Pokemon, whom there was only one, who is very powerful, and can also speak to Pokemon and humans alike, flew out of the woods along the edge of the path.

“Oh, m-my goodness, i-i-i-s that r-r-really you, M-M-Mew?” Charlie asked.

“Mew? In Shilby Village?” asked Parsons.

Both Dan and Parsons bowed down for the mystical Mew.

“No need for that, boys. But I do think you need to learn a lesson about being mean and hurting other people, especially ones who are smaller and younger than you and that don’t stand a chance against you.” Mew said to Dan and Parsons.

At that moment Mew raised Dan and Parsons, without even touching them, off the ground and she began very sternly talking to them. After the lecture, Mew let go of her telekinesis hold on Dan and Parsons and watched as the two seventeen-year-olds ran off.

“Now I’m going to help you and your Ralts out,” Mew said.

“I am going to make sure nobody bullies you anymore. And Ralts, I’m going to evolve you into a Gardevior prematurely and give you power.” Mew explained

Mew went on. “Depending on how you are feeling and what your mood is, you can change to whatever size you want.”

“Thank you so much!” Charlie said.

“I could never repay you for this!” Ralts said

Mew healed Charlie and Ralts, then evolved Ralts into Gardevoir, and gave her the size change power.

“I have got to go now, but I’ll visit from time to time,” Mew said as she flew off into the distance.

“Wow, what a day, and we haven’t even had lunch yet! I guess I’ll have to rename you Gardevoir. If that’s okay with you, of course.” Charlie said.

“That’s alright with me. And you are right, what a day we’ve already had!” Gardevior agreed.

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