Just Two Teens And A Gardevoir Throwing A Frisbee, Nothing To See Here!

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Several Days Later: May 20, 2023: On Hoenn Island

Charlie and Gardevoir were enjoying the television show.

“I am happy that out of the four channels you got, you got Channel Two.” Gardevoir said.

“Yeah, me too,” Charlie said

At that moment, Charlie’s phone rang.

“Hold on a second, Gardevoir. I’ll be right back.” Charlie said.

“Go take that call. It might be important.” Gardevoir said.

Charlie stepped out of the room and answered the phone.

“Hello, who is this?” Charlie asked into the phone.

“Hey man! It’s me, Wyatt!” answered the voice at the other end.

“What’s good, dude?” Charlie said.

“Well, I was wondering if I could come over to your house for about an hour,” Wyatt said

“Yeah sure, man! What time?” Charlie asked.

“How about in fifteen minutes? That’s about how long it will take me to get ready and get to your house.” Wyatt answered.

“Alright, that’s cool man! See you then.” Charlie said

“See you then,” said Wyatt. Then they hung up.

Charlie walked back into the living room.

“Who was it?” Gardener asked

“It was Wyatt. He’s on his way here.” Charlie said

“Alright. It’s good to see him again.” Gardevoir said.

Sixteen minutes later, they heard a knock on the door.

“I’ve got it!” Gardevoir said.

So Gardevoir went and answered the door. Behind the door was indeed Wyatt. 

“You’re late.” Gardevoir said with a grin on her face.

“It was only by a minute! Give me a break!” Wyatt said, rolling his eyes, also with a grin on his face.

“Come on in!” Gardevoir said.

Then they walked to the living room.

“Hey, what’s up?” Charlie said as they walked in.

“Nothing much. Just wanted to come to visit for an hour. I’m meeting my parents for lunch then.” explained Wyatt.

“Alright!” Charlie said.

“So, what’s gone on since I’ve last seen you?” Wyatt asked

“Not too terribly much. We attempted to walk the trails in the park again. But that didn’t work out as we had planned it to.” Charlie began

“We found a thirteen-year-old bullying a ten-year-old, so I grew to twenty-five feet tall and lectured the kid, then he ran off. His name was Boris. The kid who was being bullied was named Kayden.” Gardevoir finished.

“Why, I’ve seen a kid in front of me in the line at the grocery store. He was talking to the clerk and I overheard that his name was Boris! I don’t know if it is the same Boris or not, but he looked to be thirteen years old!” Wyatt exclaimed.

“I don’t know. I don’t think it matters now.” Charlie said.

“I think I have to agree with you, Charlie.” Gardevoir said.

“Well, anywho. Anything else happen?” Wyatt asked

“Not really,” Charlie said

“Other than regular day-to-day life.” Gardevoir said

“Well, yeah, I guess,” Charlie said

“Wanna throw around my Frisbee? I brought it,” asked Wyatt.

“Sure, let’s go outside and do it though,” Charlie said

“Well, of course, Charlie! That’s obvious!” Gardevoir said. She was smiling

So the three went outside and threw the Frisbee around.

They were all having fun, despite the fact Gardevoir was cheating a little bit. If the Frisbee looked like it was going to go over her head, she grew to the height she needed to be to catch it.

“Catch, Charlie!” Wyatt exclaimed

Wyatt threw the Frisbee to Charlie, but a gust of wind blew it away from him and onto the roof of Charlie’s house. With the Frisbee thirty feet up in the air on the roof, they couldn’t throw it around anymore.

“Aw, darn it,” Wyatt said.

“It’s alright, I’ve got it!” said Gardevoir.

Then she grew to thirty feet tall, walked up to the roof of the house, and grabbed the Frisbee.

“Here you go!” said Gardevoir as she shrank back to normal and handed the Frisbee to Wyatt.

“Thank you!” Wyatt said. Then they continued to throw the Frisbee around for a few more minutes until Wyatt said

“I’ve gotta go. As I said, I’m meeting my parents for lunch.”

“Okay then. See you, man!” Charlie said.

“Bye, Wyatt!” Gardevoir said.

“Goodbye, y’all!” Wyatt said. Then he left.

“That was fun.” Gardevoir said as they were walking back into the house.

“Yeah, it was,” Charlie said

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