(Ch. 1) Fresh Start

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Quick Note: Luz, Willow, Hunter, Gus, Amity, and Matt are the 6 main characters in this story. Almost all the POV's are from these 6 characters unless there is an acception for like Darius or Eda at some point :3

-TW- Mention of Death, Mention of Bullying, Mention of Depression, Panic Attack

In this story Luz is an Eccedentesiast (someone who hides pain behind a smile)


"LUZZZZZZZZZ!!! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!" Luz's mom yelled from downstairs. 

Luz hurriedly grabbed all her things and quickly got dressed, panicking as she did not want to be late for her first day at this new school. She looked in the mirror and smiled despite feeling down. 

"It's a new start! You'll be ok Luz, as long as you don't let your weird side out, as long as you don't make a fool of yourself, as long as you don't mess up again. Maybe you'll even make friends this time!!" 

Luz's mom had decided to move to Gravesfield and have her go to a new school due to the problem of Luz being bullied. She had decided a fresh start was best for Luz's Sophomore year of school. Luz always tried to be positive about anything and everything, which is why her mom hadn't realized she was being bullied until the principal called her up and had told her about the "incident." Then her mom had decided to move, it was for the best she had said. 

Luz ran downstairs and was greeted by her mom making eggs for breakfast. She slid a plate towards Luz smiling at her. 

"Here ya go kiddo. I made your favorite for the first day to help with the nerves." Eda said smiling and serving up her own pair of eggs. 

The truth was that Eda wasn't Luz's biological mother. Luz's real parents had died a long time ago during a trip they had planned together. Eda, being Camila's best friend, had been baby sitting Luz when she got the news that Camila and Manny had died when the Grand Canyon Skywalk had broken, making everyone on it plumet to their deaths. Eda adopted Luz and raised her as her own. Eda has never wanted children and had sworn she never would have them, but she didn't trust anyone else to raise Luz as well as she could. She knew Luz's parents so she would be the best mom for Luz, in her opinion.  

Luz had grown up with Eda in her home town Bonesburough, where Luz had gone to Glandus. But when Eda had found out about Bria and her goons bullying Luz, she moved a few towns over to Gravesfield, where Luz is now attending Hexside. 

A bus horn honked outside signalling that it was leaving the stop soon. "EEK!" Luz gave Eda a hug and gave King, her little brother who was currently being fostered by Eda who had decided Luz needed a sibling, a pat on the head. "Love you guys!!" Then she ran out the door to the bus stop. She got on the bus just as the door was closing and stood at the front looking for a spot. No spots alone were open, she would have to sit next to someone. 

She tried sitting right at the front next to a pink haired girl but the girl gave her dagger eyes and Luz, not wanting to start trouble, sat on the other side of the isles next to a girl that had bright green hair with brown roots. Luz looked the other way trying to avoid eye contact, but she could feel the girl staring at her so she decided to introduce herself. 

"Hi! I'm Luz Noceda Clawthorne!!" Luz said extening her hand to the girl. The girl seemed heisitant to accept the hand but took it, blushing a dark red. 

"I-I'm A-Amity, A-Amity B-Blight." She said looking down in embarrassment. 

"Well nice to meet you Miss. Am-i-ty." Then Luz went back to looking out the window smiling. 

My first introduction wasn't a failure!!!! But- what if I was TOO enthusiastic. What if she thinks I'm dumb!! What if she thinks I'm weak, or one of those "too nice" people!! What if she finds out about my ADHD?!?! Wha-What if What if-

Luz felt a tap on her shoulder and saw that Amity was looking at her with a concerned face. "Hey um- you ok? You look like you're having a panic attack or something..." Amity asked Luz. 

CRAP. I broke my happy face. Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap! What if she thinks I'm a weirdo!!

"Oh Uh- yeah I'm good. I'm just a bit scared about my first day at a new school..." Luz responded trying to sound casual. 

"Oh ok. Well if you need any help with your scedule or finding any classes I'm happy too help you!! Its my duty as a top student after all." Amity said, proudly showing Luz the top student pin for Freshmen on her backpack. "Every year one person from each grade gets these pins and I earned it last year, it's my goal to earn it every year!"

"Woahh!!! Thats so cool!! I bet you're really smart!!" Luz said looking at the pin with stars in her eyes. Amity blushed again but looked away quickly. 

"I-eh-yeah... really smart." 

Just then a green haired boy and girl jumped up behind Amity. "Of course she's smart, mysterious person!! To get top student every year you have to have a perfect 4.0 in all four quarters!!" The boy said flicking Amity on the head. 

"EDRIC!!! I told you not to sit behind me on the bus!!! YOU TOO EMIRA!!!" 

Edric and Emira smirked and then went back to playing the game they had been playing on their nintendo switch. 

"Who was that??" Luz asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. Amity sighed and looked at Luz. "Those are my annoying twin siblings... Edric and Emira." 

"By annoying she means the most amazing and best siblings ever." Emira whispered to Luz, before quickly going back to the game when Amity stared daggers at her. 

"They're a pain in the as-" 

Suddenly the bus stopped and Luz was propelled off the seat onto the floor. Some people laughed and the pink haired girl from before stood up to get off the bus. "Watch it clumsy, I don't want to accidentally step on you~" Then she stepped on Luz's backpack on purpose before walking off the bus. More people laughed before following her off. Luz quickly picked up her fallen stuff and pulled her hoodie up to cover her face, running off the bus and into the school. 

Of course I had to embarrass myself... I'm such a klutz!!

Luz picked up her schedule at the front office, turning it different ways to try and make sense of it. 

"Why do I have PE as a class?! I thought Eda said she'd get me excused from having this class after what happened with Bria uggg! I hate PE!!" Luz looked at the schedule already hating school. She didn't want to go to a PE class ever again after what Bria did, it would trigger the bad memories again, but she guessed she didn't have a choice. 

Her first class was English though, wherever that was. 

Ok... Room 109. Should be easy enough.

I Hope. 

Yipeeeeeeeee. This is a prewritten book so most of the end remarks I normally make as a weird little author won't be here :3

Unless I write them in before publishing them :3

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