Chapter Twenty: Taking Hopeless Chances

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"We have to move. Go!" ,Irons shouted as the prepared soldiers marched towards the massive rundown building that we went to before. "We have to find some clues before sundown."

We searched the whole building, illuminated the pitch-black paths and rooms., hacked every machine. I'm all alone to seach then there's a room with some machines made for the orbs. This must be...

"Looking for something?" ,someone with a dark and deep voice said. I turned around to just find out that he's hiding somewhere. "Who are you? Show yourself!" ,I shouted and looked around.

Then I sense something. Then someone whispers,

"It's me."

I quickly turned around and saw a man, wearing a black cape coat with the hood on its head.

"I'm waiting for you, Tatsuya Togatomi." ,he said and took off his cape coat, revealing his black titanium armor. His surrondings became dark and cast a dark spell.

It's Hades!

"You're next. Your life is about to end...just like I did to your father." ,he said and chuckled. "And the Togatomis will now disappear."

I yelled as I pulled out my sword and swing it at Hades. He stopped my sword by touching it. I pulled the sword with force but it's not moving from his hand.

He's strong...three times stronger than Vincent.

"Surprised?" ,he said and cast a monstrous shadow as big as a mighty dragon. The shadow roared vigorously. The powerful roar shuddered the whole room.

I fell down on the ground and Hades pointed a dagger at me.

"I'll give you a chance." ,said Hades.


"I'll let you live if you ran away to save your life or you'll fight me even though you knew that you might be killed by me."

What the--

"Choose wisely, Tatsuya, son of Hideyoshi Togatomi."

"What are talking about!?"

"Ah, I remembered."


"One of your siblings' life is about to end. Save now or you'll be too late."

M-my sibling......

"To save your sibling and your life or to fight me to get your parent's orb. Choose wisely."


"Tatsuya....Son of Hideyoshi Togatomi."

"I'm going to save my sibling!!"

Nice choice...


It's too late...

Tatsuya Togatomi.

~~ End of Chapter Twenty ~~

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