Chapter Thirty-Five: As Soon As Possible

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I raised my gun with full courage and aimed it at the great giant robot. I turned my android arm in reverse mode to finish it off. I activated by sharp blue arm blade. Its sharpness can cut through cement but it's power can't defeat the hard metal body of the mighty giant.

The robot charged off towards me and raised its mighty sword SaberBlade. As I dodged as fast as possible, it can cut through the ground with no effort.

The robot switched to its hard metal sledgehammer and its spiky flail. Its power can shake the whole ground but without hesitation, I swiftly dodged all of the robot's powerful attack but I began to get tired. I panted heavily and noticed that I got a heavy wound from the one of the flail's huge spike and it bleed continuously.

I grabbed my hand grenade from my pocket and threw it at the huge robot and ran away. The robot chased after me and the grenade exploded but it has no effect on the giant robot. I reached for my Redinger gun and aimed it at the face of the huge robot.

The robot was getting closer to me.

I pulled the trigger.

The robot raised its sledgehammer as I hight as it could.

I prepared my gun.

The robot was about to slam its weapon.


A loud boom can be heard. Smoke and fire can be seen and the broken parts from the robot can be seen.

I did it.

I destroyed one of the robots...


I saw a huge shadow behind the smoke.


The huge feet of the robot came slamming towards me and got hit in my stomach. My body was slammed to the ground and my android arm broke. My surrounding became blurry and saw a huge hand, grabbing me and trapped me in a dark place...

I was defeated....but I'll get revenge at you for taking Touma...

As soon as possible...


Atlas and I were surrounded by a black, thick, smoke and numerous evil, mysterious shadows and strong, enormous, 15 - feet robots. I pulled out my Redinger. Atlas grabbed his edged, powerful naginata. We prepared our weapons and glared at our evilish foes.


A clang of two swords can be heard. It's Atlas' naginata and the gigantic robot's battle ax. Our battle started and I shoot explosive bullets at the furious, creepy shadows.

As I shoot them, I noticed a green, creepy creature. I shot it but multiplied into small and fast shadows. It chased after me with full speed and starts controlling my body. My body froze then moves on its own.

Some of the soldiers came running to me and shoot and slices all of the shadows that we're around me. The green glob multiplied again and this time, the shadows went to the soldiers and ended their life with its venomous tongue. Some sucked their soul with their mouth.

I was angered at the shadows for stealing my students' innocent and brave souls. My eyes became crimson red. My hair became as white as snow. My body has grown into strong and bulky. I shouted furiously and punched every foe that I see.

Then I saw another army of soldiers, including Mishi came rushing to save my life from the shadows that were attacking me at the same time. Mishi used her mind powers to control the shadows and command them. The shadows obeyed her and killed themselves by vanishing into thin air.

Mishi helped me with other soldiers, carrying me but a giant robot chases after us. Mishi stopped to fight the mighty giant. She unsheathed her Wakizashi sword and Sai. He rushed to the giant and jumped as high as she could and sliced its face in half. The robot malfunctioned and exploded.

Mishi has grown into a strong woman. She's like her father but...she can't defeat that many.

I reached out to Mishi while we're getting far from her. She can't die here. I was trusted to protect her yet I was the one being protected...again.

Mishi fight as she could and then, another large robot grabbed her with its huge hands. Mishi was frightened and tried to slice its hand but her sword broke. I shouted to Mishi but it was too late. She was captured.

I was furious and glared at the robot. While Atlas was still fighting, I saw a man behind the smoke, with long, deadly scythe in his hands. He looked at me and grinned with a familiar, evil smirk.


I'll get back Mishi from you!

I will help her and protect her from you...

As soon as possible.

~~ End of Chapter Thirty-Five~~

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