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Thankfully,it really did take Tom five minutes to get to Chloe but he wasn't the only one. From a short distance away,he spotted a man creeping over the girl that had laid her head down on the cold pavement, clearly dosing. It was obvious she couldn't here the person coming up to her.
"Hey you..get away from her!" Tom screamed,not even letting his car reach the near area. He got out as fast as he could and ran towards the two people, Chloe and the stranger.
"Tommy?" Chloe wondered lifting her head up at the direction in which she had heard his voice. Then tom saw her back up the second she felt the stranger breath on her neck.
"Ahhhhhhh.." she screamed before the man covered up her mouth. Tom picked up a bat from the street and used it to hit the man on the head the minute he got close.
"Come here" Tom called,gently taking her into his arms.
"Is he alive" she cried , shaking her fears out. The man winced a little, before starting to get up . He was still alive.
"Shhhh...get in's ok,it's gonna be ok" he assured, helping her get in the after eventually getting to the car.
The silent drive back to his house within Los Angeles was enough to convince even drunk Chloe that Tom was mad. Normally,any person who cared about her would understandably be. But Tom was not anything like that,or so she was convinced.
"Ohh ..are...are we ..ok" Chloe  stuttered, watching him stop the car after

ok" Chloe  stuttered, watching him stop the car after

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entering some kind of modern white home villa. Tom still didn't show any  need of expression to anything as he got out of the car , banging the door behind him.
"Thank you..umm" she said when he opened the door and let her take his hand. He was assuring but cold off any emotion.
"Get in" he said after leading into the door that automatically opened on its own.
"Tom..I " she stuttered
"Get the fûck in, Elizabeth" he repeated, showing no signs of anger on his face. But he actually was. Chloe , knew.
"Woah" Chloe  gasped as she gave herself time to take in the beautiful living room she had just walked into.
"Sorry.. this is..I didn't even know you had a house in Los Angeles... scratch that... America" she left off, sitting on one of the chairs near her.
"What ..did you really think I cohabitate at Zendaya's" he asked rhetorically with more sarcasm.
"Well..." Chloe wanted to respond.
"What where you thinking... going all alone in the streets of Los Angeles" he interrupted.
"Tom..." Chloe stressed.
"No ,I really, really...need to know Eliza because you cannot be absolutely that irresponsible" Tom scolded.
"Irresponsible?" Chloe questioned, offended.
"You don't even know what happened.. Tom" she defended.
"Well,this much I could have worn something to cover yourself because you are freezing " he jumped in, heading to the kitchen.

you could have worn something to cover yourself because you are freezing " he jumped in, heading to the kitchen

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"I could have but I didn't...and why do you don't give a flying fuck about "  Chloe corrected , before stating what she thought was obvious.
"It doesn't matter whether I do or not ,you could have been seriously hurt..for fucking.. crying out loud" tom said on top of his voice, causing her to flinch.
"I know.. stop yelling at me " she winced , covering her ear. Chloe was still stupidly drunk and the headache that she had ached even more at the rising of Tom's tone.
"Hey, ok..I'm sorry" he said, getting back into the kitchen.
"I just lost my way in another lemo..I know it's my fault cause I got distracted..." She started to explain but he wouldn't let her finish.
"It's ok.. shh..hey," he whispered, sitting next to her.
"I'm sorry,I made you come get me" she cried.
"No...I'm sorry I yelled.." tom correct, wiping her teary cheeks.

" tom correct, wiping her teary cheeks

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"You hate me even more" she whimpered.
"No, I ..I never even hated you at all , Eliza...I love you" he told her, moving close. For all was worth,tom knew just how drunk she was and wouldn't remember a single speck of their conversation the next morning.
"Kk no you don' love Zendaya" she giggled and let him tuck her hair behind her ear.
"Well, that's true...I love your best friend a great deal" Tom admitted.
"But you know what " he asked,undertoned as he moved his face inches closer to her.
"Kk what" she whispered back, her big brown eyes, looking for a response in his.
"I love you even more" he said, flicking her bottom lip with his finger.
"In what universe is that... because I recall you telling me that such a scenario does not exist." She stated.
"Only because I knew it's the exact opposite" he said.
"Exact opposite "she whispered.
"Opposite" Tom said then took one light Lean towards her, kissing her lips.
"Ohh Tommy" Chloe breathed,breaking the kiss that he immediately pulled back into.

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