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Tom's temperature radiated to literally a hundred as the instrumental music signaled the entry of his bride. The people present rose , watching her make her way up to the altar where he was eagerly waiting. She was a walking dream and in that moment in time till they died ,she was his and vice versa.
"Dearly beloved. We

are gathered here to witness the joining of these two people in holly matrimony

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are gathered here to witness the joining of these two people in holly matrimony."  The priest began as the music stopped.
".if there is anyone who has reasons why they should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace " he went on and after a moment of silence, signalled for the rings.
"Now repeat after me..." The priest was about to say.
"Actually..I have something..not really prepared but.." Tom interrupted, nervously looking down at the woman next to him.
"Lizbeth..I remember the day I first set my eyes on you. The first time I took my time to fully describe were still as you are source of distraction." He rested, taking a deep breath.
"I know I love you because, I can't seem to live without that distraction. Which is why I always tell you that I will always be there for you... especially when you can't forget..I love you " he said and reached out to wipe her teary cheek.
"Tom, my entire life I've been scared. Scared to move,change and love. And I've never really liked being in the same room as you because the moment you stepped into my life.. you've given me these things that I'm so scared of. You've given me a chance to face those fears " Chloe started ,not taking her eyes off his.
"You are... what's behind my painting.. and I love you " she cried, softly as the priest raised the rings in between the two.
"Now repeat after me...with this ring I give you as a symbol of our love. To love and protect. To cherish and to trust . In sickness and in health till death do us part" the preist said and let the two repeat after him. Tom placed the wedding ring on Chloe's finger the Chloe did the same then they both looked at each other and back at the priest.
"By the power vested in me , I now pronounce you.. husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"  he announced as Tom pulled Chloe closer to him and kissed her.

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