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At first, the reality seemed like a nightmare. Something too scary to present itself forward. But now as she sat, looking straight at the reality in general,Chloe had to admit that she felt silly for even letting her imagination run wild. Tom's parents, especially Eva,where the literal opposite of what she expected.
"So, your mother already knows about Ella and...this situation" Eva asked, putting the term 'situation' in bunny ears. Chloe looked at Tom first for approval before giving her a nod.
"Yes .."they both replied then looked

 back at each other then at Eva

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back at each other then at Eva.
"Kk ok...umm..for how long" Eva giggled,Their  cohesive response tickling her core.  If only they knew how they sounded, looked or acted around each other.
"Ummm..I don't.. Eliza" Tom stuttered, looking at her.
"Ahhh..two.. could be two... yeah...two months after I had taken the test" Chloe responded.
"Awww...I remember telling my mom two months after as well " Eva cooed, reaching her hands out as Chloe pulled them for support.
"Eva, focus...these kids clearly don't know what they've gotten themselves into" Orlando spoke up in between them.
"Which is why we are going to help them..." Eva corrected.
"Financially, they're both ready for it, considering they know the savings that go under having a baby..a family even " she said.
"Ahh yeah.. Mom told us to open a college savings account and... what was that" Chloe replaced,directing her attention towards Tom.
"Durable insurance for everything..and legal documents"  Tom said and stared at his father.
"Well that's a relief...but, how about emotionally... what's the plan for the future when it comes to your relationship " Eva lengthened.
"Ahhmm.. relationship?" Chloe repeated, sounding confused.
"Yes two are in a relationship right.." Eva asked.
"Umm well.." Chloe breathed.
"No, mom.. we're... Elizabeth is just a friend" Tom chimed in , clearing his throat. Chloe shifted a little where she sat, the statement burning her for some reason.
" Oh I see..." Orlando phrased.
"Well, that's ok...but are you sure you don't want more" Eva connected.
"We.." they both said.
"We decided that we shouldn't let the baby make us get committed into something we aren't sure of" chloe started.
"Ok ...just let things happen naturally " Eva asked.
"Exactly.." Tom and Chloe responded then turned to look at each other and back at her.
"Well,ok...kkk I have no doubt about it" Eva lightly laughed after giving her husband an assuring smile.
"But you just said that you're gonna be living together as you raise Ella " Orlando depicted.
"Yes Dad..." Tom replied.
"How do you expect to live with a woman you're not intimately connected to without touching her ... " Orlando cut in.
"I won't.." Tom said.
"No,you already did...and that was outside the house " his father protested.
"Orlando,please stop" Eva yelled.
"Tom is a grown man may not like it but he is...and if he says they're living together for the betterment of his daughter the one he helped make... they're leaving together" she spelled out, failing to contain the anger she held out for him.

 they're leaving together" she spelled out, failing to contain the anger she held out for him

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"Thanks Mom..." Tom wanted to say when the baby monitor started to beep.
"Ahh.. Can I...umm" Chloe asked, pointing upstairs.
"Please...she sounds furious kkk" Eva hinted a laugh as Chloe stood up from her chair and started to head upstairs.
"Aww..looks like someone missed me while they were asleep.." she spoke , reaching the bedroom.
"Ngggeeeerrrrrr.. ngggeeeerrrrrr " Ella cried, practically roaring her lungs out while kicking and punching away in mid air.
"Aww..yes she did..oh my baby.. mama missed you too" she said and picked her up from the crib.

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