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🍥 This chapter contain mature contents please read at your own risk 🍥

It was a lively evening on the private cruise filled with only family and close friends congratulating the newly engaged couples who stood at the high podium raising their glasses for cheers, celebrating the start of a new relationship.

In November when the winter was about to knock on their door. Honestly it feels harsh to be on a cruise surrounded by water and a cold night breeze.

There stood a figure away from the crowd, standing at the edge of the cruise, leaning his back against the railing with a glass of champagne between his fingers staring at the smiling couples.

" missing Kale? " suddenly a voice echoed in his ears making him break from his train of thoughts before facing the latter with a small smile.

" how did you know Jungwon? " asked the older but the latter just shrugged before leaning on the railing of the cruise mirroring the older's action.

" Sunoo hyung where are the others ? " Jungwon asked while scanning the area looking for some familiar faces but couldn't find any.

" probably at the buffet " Sunoo muttered shortly before chuckling along with the younger who snatched his untouched champagne glass and chugged it down making the older click his tongue in annoyance.

" why don't you go and celebrate with your mom hyung? It's her engagement party after all.. " asked Jungwon curiously but eyes were still staring at the now empty glass of champagne thinking about getting a new one later.

" it's awkward.. " the older just mumbled causing the younger to laugh throwing his head back.

" is it about your step brother..hyung? " Jungwon asked teasingly and earned a sharp glare form the older making him laugh even more.

" he keeps staring at me so.. " He trailed off before a voice chimmed in making him turn his head with a smile.

" can't blame him you are just too beautiful to not to stare at " it was Sunghoon one of the old friends of Sunoo who is one year older than him making him his senior.

" there he goes flirting again " Jungwon said snatching Sunghoon's glass of champagne this time making him groan in annoyance.

" by the way.. you can't always be awkward if you are gonna live under the same roof with him now " Sunghoon added making the younger frown but nodded understandingly.

" I hope things will work out for us " he whispered to himself as he looked at the podium still surrounded by guests who were busy clicking pictures before his gaze slowly traveled to the figure at a little distance from the podium away from the crowd.

Fuck! He cursed in his mind when he found dark brown eyes staring at him from the distance while sitting alone on the couch. Those intimidating stares sent a shiver down his spine but he brushed those thoughts off thinking it's because of the cold breez since it's already winter and they are on a cruise surrounded by water.

He gulped before tearing his gaze away from those dark brown painted eyes and turning his back to the man staring at him shamelessly.

" let's go and eat I'm hungry " he said urgently while dragging Jungwon with him to the dinning hall as an excuse to escape those dark intimidating gaze that left him breathless.


Staring at the empty room that was once filled with his belongings and memories of 20 years of his life made him feel mixed emotions. He heaved a sigh before brushing his fingers through his slightly tangled locks.

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