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This chapter includes mature content that is not intended for readers under the age of 18, so read at your own risk.

Y'all never care anyways (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠-⁠☆


A cold soft breeze caresses his unkempt hair, and his skin tingles with the strange calmness he is experiencing. He leaned against the passenger side door and peered across at the younger one behind the wheel, his eyes fixed on the road and his arms flexing with each gear change.

"where are we going?"

He asked softly, afraid to disturb the tranquil calm that surrounded them.

Ni-ki instantly reached out one of his arms and placed it on his thigh, giving it a light squeeze.

"you will know"

Sunoo's heart skipped a beat as he replied with a small smile to the older.

"you.. didn't say anything back at home... are you not going to say anything?"

He questioned, eyes downcast and fingers playing with the sleeves of Ni-ki's jumper, which he had stolen from the younger.

Ni-ki said nothing following Sunoo's confession and simply asked to go for a long drive out of nowhere, thus here they are.

When he heard the question, he cast a quick glance at the older and raised his hand to caress the shorter boy's head, causing the latter to look at him with wide eyes, surprised by the gesture.

Soon, Ni-ki withdrew his hand and focused back on driving, not saying anything, so Sunoo remained mute, occasionally glancing at the younger nervously and gazing out the window to distract himself from the worry and doubts that were flooding him.

After thirty minutes of driving, the younger eventually arrived at a familiar location, where they professed their feelings for each other and made love for the first time.

Sunoo gasped, completely surprised, and turned to face Ni-ki, his eyes welling up with tears and his cheeks and nose flushing scarlet.

They remained silent, staring at one other without stepping out of the car or even looking at the breathtaking view of the city's night lights from the cliff.

Soon, Ni-ki tapped his lap, signaling Sunoo to get out of his passenger seat and stealthily get into the younger's lap.

Ni-ki shifted his seat back slightly to allow the older to sit securely on his lap, and without warning, he grasped the latter's chin and crashed his lips on those luscious cherry coated ones.

He is mesmerized by the familiarity and sweetness that he can't get enough of.

They both sighed during the kiss, letting go of themselves as they continued to kiss each other; it was not hasty or desperate, but it was passionate, deep, and exquisite.

Their kiss tasted just like their love.

When Sunoo was ready to beg permission, Ni-ki abruptly pulled away, causing the latter to whine and pursue after him, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing his jaw and holding him still.

"there are two options"

Ni-ki began with a serious expression , which sent shivers down the older's spine.

"if we will continue to kiss right now, we will not be going home until tomorrow"

Ni-ki's piercing eyes looked deeply into his own, observing every expression and feeling.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now