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" We have made the decision to hold our wedding during the first week of this spring! "

It's good news, it should have been good news, then why it felt like a slap, a well deserved slap against Sunoo's face whose smile wavered and lips trembled.

He smiled and smiled and smiled until he couldn't anymore and finally the reality came crashing down on him.

Is this how it's going to end? His relationship..

It has been three days since his mother and Ni-ki's father dropped this bomb on them, and he has been grappling with the aftermath. As a result, he finds himself avoiding Ni-ki unconsciously, unable to make eye contact with his mother, and experiencing higher levels of anxiety than he is willing to acknowledge.

He would have found it less difficult if he could hold someone accountable, or anyone, for his misery, but he cannot.

For three days, he hadn't been able to meet Ni-ki's eyes with an unwavering gaze, hold him tightly in an embrace, shower him with tender kisses, whisper sweet words to each other, or utter the words "I love you" to him.

It has been three days since he unintentionally distanced himself from the Ni-ki, his mother, and everyone else.

Initially, he was unaware of his actions, but soon realized that he was actively avoiding any situation where he might encounter the younger.

He was afraid that Ni-ki would find out that he was intentionally or unintentionally avoiding him because it would be so embarrassing.

Despite not being conscious of the reasons behind his actions, he feels a strong sense of self-disgust when he sees Ni-ki or his mother, acknowledging that he is a coward and is running away.

Like right now, he decided to avoid resolving the situation with a talk instead he decided to escape, which is ultimately why he sought refuge at his friend Jay's house.

" noo? Sunoo? SUNOO! "

Startled, he suddenly sat upright as he sensed a tap on his shoulder, and his gaze shifted to Jay, who had a concerned expression.

" Are you alright? You look nervous.. you have been spacing out for an hour at this point. "

He frowned and then groaned as he closed his eyes and massaged his temple, he felt Jay rubbing his shoulder in a soothing manner.

" study pressure? "

Jay asked and Sunoo stilled.

' should I ask Jay hyung for advice? Jungwon's the only one who knows about me and Ni-ki dating but if it's Jay hyung he is reliable and is good at advice and is a good listener. He will not judge. '

Sunoo thought and shifted on his seat awkwardly before making direct eye contact with Jay, who raised an eyebrow in response.

" so.. it's about a friend of mine..? "

Jay rolled his eyes at that and shook his head but still gestured for him to continue. Sunoo gulped thickly knowing he sounded as dumb as Heeseung's dad jokes but whatever it's too late to step back.

" so his mother got engaged to someone who happened to have a son... "

He glanced at Jay to gauge his response, but Jay was looking at him with a blank expression, so he began to play with his fingers to divert his attention.

" and this friend of mine.. umm.. "

He fumbled on his words and didn't know how to continue.

" just spit it out dumbass "

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now