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"open the door "

The voice belonged to Ni-ki's dad who knocked on the bedroom door.

" .... "

" we are fucked "


Never in their life did they dress up so fast, they literally jumped out of the jacuzzi and wore whatever they saw first and Sunoo just randomly spawned into bed like he was sleeping there for hours now and Ni-ki wore his headphones before turning off all the lights and then he opened the door.

" yes? "

He asked so innocently like he wasn't just spitting dirty shits into the older's ear about how he wanna fuck him.

He saw their parents eyes racked him from head to toe and then the whole room just to find Sunoo asleep.

" We heard some noises, are you okay? "

Asked his dad.

" yes we thought you both were fighting "

Added Sunoo's mom.

" umm.. nah I was listening to music "

Ni-ki started by pointing at his headphones then looked back at the dark room and continued.

" then I tripped because it was so dark and we forgot to turn on the night lamp "

He mentally kissed himself to come up with such a good lie.

" oh ok go to sleep now it's late we gonna wake up early tomorrow and drive back home "

His dad said before they walked away leaving a sighing Ni-ki standing at the door who wiped his invisible sweat from the forehead and walked back to bed but not forgetting to lock the door.

" you are so good at lying "

Sunoo said under the comforter.

" well at least it saved us "

Said the younger before throwing himself at the older who groan in pain, getting squeezed under the younger.

" get off Riki you are heavy "

" noooo "

" ugh annoying "

" yes love you too "


Since it was early morning the trafic on highway was less than any other time of the day.

The silence in the car was comfortable and peaceful which made Sunoo's mom smile as she wondered what their sons are doing at the back seat so when she turned to take a look she secretly giggled that caught her fiance's attention.

" what happened honey? "

Asked the man in his late 50s

" look at them they are sleeping so peacefully cuteeeee "

She said fishing out her phone and taking pictures before showing her husband who smiled and asked her to forward it to him.

At the back seat of the car, there are two sleeping figures. Sunoo who was sleeping on Ni-ki's shoulder and the latter had his head proped on the older's head and both had their eyes closed as they breath softly.

Waking up at 4am was no joke especially when it's winter, when you just want to stay in bed and cuddle maybe(?) under your warm warm blankets.

So sleep got to them when it was this peaceful and the car's heater was like cherry on top.

" when we weren't paying attention they became this close "

Said the older man to his fiance who smiled but pointed at the road ahead.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now