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🍥This chapter contains mature contents
read at your own risk🍥

“ pretty ”

Ni-ki said before leaning down to capture those delicious lips in a deep kiss, tasting himself.

“ you were so good you know that? ”

“ you did amazing hyung ”

“ as your..

“ younger brother ”

He said rolling his eyes, almost like mocking and making fun of the title before smiling widely showing all his teeth, he whispered the last five words throwing the older's heart into fastlane.

I should fuck you raw

Words felt like electricity running down the older's spine who shuddered and moaned biting on his own lower lips, tasting the taste of the younger's cum and saliva on them.

“ Do you want that? ”

Asked Ni-ki tilting his head as he studied the older's expression.

“ Yes- Yes I want it ”

A smile spread on his lips watching the desperate expression painted on the older's beautiful face.

“ alright baby ”

Sunoo raised his small face while still staring right into those dark eyes of the younger. His small face was full of erotic blush, his big eyes were misty, his chest was undulating, and strings of saliva were dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing his older brother's lascivious appearance, Ni-ki inserted his fingers into Sunoo's chrysanthemum cave. His fingers were immediately held and wrapped by the thirsty and hungry little hole.

“ Ngh- Deeper please- ah not enough.. ha.. ”

Sunoo took a sharp breath as his eyes watered.

“ patient baby, patient ”

His younger brother's fingers were digging and thrusting in Sunoo's thirsty hole, scraping around the sensitive cave walls. Sunoo raised his butt and sent it to his big hand, wanting the younger's fingers to be inserted deeper.

“ ha.. more please hyungg- ah! ”

Ni-ki's dark eyes shined and something shifted in them when the older called him “ hyung ” and he gulped harshly to tame down his urges. Urge to take Sunoo right then and there, urge to step on every boundary and connect their body and souls together, so securely that the older can never slip away from him.

Ni-ki kept playing with his older brother's sensitive walls inside his small tender point with his fingers, whenever his fingers touched the sensitive insides, it caused his older brother's body to tremble abruptly.

“ does that feel good, baby? ”

The younger wantonly began to target the sensitive spot inside with his fingers and ruthlessly grind against it. Sunoo, whose sensitive point was stimulated, has his cock stand up, a few drops of pre cum dripping down from the tip of his pink flushed cock, dripping down on the leather seat of his car while he was squirming pathetically.

“ Riki- ”

“ hyung ”

Ni-ki corrected him and Sunoo nodded absentmindedly as he raised his butt more to give better access for the hand that's abusing his tiny tender hole.

“ hyung-- hyung ahh there- no- ah sensitive!! ”

Ni-ki hearty chuckled at the mess under him and angled his write to hit one particular spot of the older who screamed, eyes shot open and head fell back.

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