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Silence filled the room as Sunoo flipped through the pages of the younger's notebook, eyes sternly roaming over the scribbled answers and if Ni-ki thought Sunoo looked sexy while concentrating he forgot to mention how terrified his judgmental look is.

He fiddled with the long sleeves of his hoodie as he waited for the other to give him feedback of the weekly test and he mentally heaved a sigh in relief when Sunoo nodded with a somewhat satisfied look on his face before placing down the notebook on the younger's desk.

" you did better than I expected.. if you keep this up you can actually score above 70% in finals "

Ni-ki couldn't help but smile, he needs to score good enough to get accepted into the older university tho he hasn't told anyone yet.

" Alright study time over I'm going back to my room "

Sunoo said and got up, he kissed the younger on his forehead who smiled at the gesture. Just when Sunoo was about to leave the younger called him, making him halt his steps.

" hyung are you free right now? "

Sunoo turned and looked at the younger before nodding shortly and a wide grin appeared on the younger's handsome face, Sunoo loved that grin a bit too much for his liking.

" then can we go on a long drive? Please? "

Sunoo frowned, it's quite late and it's freaking cold outside, gladly their parents won't be home tonight since they have some urgent office related work to take care of.

" Riki.. it's late and it's freaking cold outside you sure? "

Ni-ki just nodded eagerly.

If Sunoo thought Ni-ki was cute that's his problem and he found it hella hard to decline the younger's offer, he will feel like a bitch if he does anyways so in the end he ended up agreeing.

Here he is now standing in front of his body size mirror checking out himself...

Don't ask him why he dressed up like he is going on a date but he kinda wished it was an actual date.

" Is it too soon to ask him on a date? "

He asked his reflection in the mirror as he styled his hair, more like ruffling it to make it look fluffy. He even wore a small hoop silver earring on his right ear lob and he was clad in black slacks, white shirt and a blur cardigan layering it. He loves layering outfits.

For the last final touch up he applied his favourite cherry lio oil to make his lips look glossy and plump and he is ready to go.

He turned around, checking himself out from every single angle in the mirror and then turned to Kale who was watching him this whole time.

" I'm going out on a da.. I mean just going on a long drive with Riki so take care of yourself and the house while we are out. "

Kale just flicked his tongue.

" seems like you understood, good boyyy "


" when did you even got your licence? "

Sunoo asked, buckling up in the passenger seat as Ni-ki got himself settled behind the steering wheel.

" last week didn't dad told you? I went for a drive test and passed so... "

Well Sunoo just shrugged, he does have short memory so whatever.

The thing is... as much as he loves to drive, he kinda love sitting on the passenger seat while Ni-ki is the one driving.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now