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🍥This chapter contains mature contents
read at your own risk🍥

Surrounded by complete darkness two scorching bodies stayed in each other's arms as they connected their lips for unspoken words to exchange, the only way to communicate without keeping their lust and desires on leash.

Loud squelching sounds filled the room complimented by deep groans and moans as the older hungrily devoured the younger's lips, completely erasing the fact that the latter is his soon to be step brother and there are some boundaries that they never should cross but it's too late for that. Logic left him as he felt the younger's arching cock against his own which is still clothed, grow in size.

He pulled away with a smirk, a string of saliva connecting their bottom lips as he whispered, his voice hoarse;

" Riki... do you like this baby? Do you like how I'm grinding on your dick? "

He asked and the younger couldn't help but gasp at his words, fuck he feel like he will combust any time soon, eyes foggy just as much as his brain, skin burning under the older's touch, hand's itching to grab the older and fuck him straight so he let his thoughts win.

He grabbed the older's ass cheeks with his iron grip making the older hiss and face distorted in a pleasure and Ni-ki couldn't help but smile victoriously.

" I love it hyung, love having you grinding on my dick- I love it so much I don't want you to stop "

Ni-ki confessed and Sunoo shuddered on his laps at his words, he grabbed on the younger's biseps for his dear life and rocked his hips more in a big circular motion.

Both moaned at the same time and Ni-ki threw his head back, leaving his detailed adams apple on display for the older who wasted no time and dived into his neck.

He kissed the younger's adams apple and felt it bobbed under his lips making him lick it and Ni-ki couldn't help but gasp at the wet hot muscle against his neck.

Sunoo loved how Ni-ki reacts to his each and every touch making him want to see more of it so he decided to decorate the younger's lush neck with a neckless of hickeys that he can admire later.

" Hyung- "

Ni-ki called in a broken moan and Sunoo smirked as he pulled away to admire his work, his beautiful painting that needs to put in an art gallery but then again it's for only him to see, only for him to admire.

' mine '

He mentally claimed and looked at the lust filled eyes of the younger before cupping his face gently almost like the younger is so fragile and he was afraid if he might break under his touch, but then again only he can break him and then put him back piece by piece.

' only mine '

A voice echoed in his brain, his own voice.

" take off this hyung it's hot "

Ni-ki pointed at their clothes and Sunoo smiled, liking his idea because eventho it's cold outside they were burning inside, doesn't matter if it's from lust and desire or just simply because of their activities, they were sweating profoundly anyways.

" take it off for me "

He said almost like a command and who is Ni-ki to disobey- he grabbed the older's shirt and pulled it above his head in a swift motion before throwing it away somewhere and Sunoo wasted no time, doing the same favour to the younger if not almost desperately.

" much better "

Ni-ki uttered before pulling the older for another hot exchange of saliva. This time Ni-ki had better access to the older's bare skin, burning hot under his dark lustfilled eyes but Sunoo didn't cower away.

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