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When pleasure turns to punishment and he is restrained by a ribbon of obedience in the four walls of his room and only moonlight to lighten up his vision, enough to see the devil in front of him he couldn't help but submit himself to the only alluring presence who is the only one allowed to have him weak and vulnerable.

Ni-ki's eyes stayed hooded, watching the older strip himself elegantly, boldness and confidence screaming in each and every move as their eyes stayed locked.

Unspoken words and emotions filled into those amber eyes left him breathless. If he were to drown and die he will gladly drown in those eyes.

" I need you "

His voice came out fragile like the state of his messed up mind and a sly smile crept up the older's enticing features making him look even more alluring.

" say please "

There was a hint of mockery in the older's voice and Ni-ki was more than gone to be rebellious.

" p-please hyung "

There is it, the victorious smile, the arrogant and mockery filled eyes shined as something shifted in them, a glow almost like blazing flames that got fueled by his few words as the older tossed away his pants leaving himself with only a boxer on and climbed back on the bed.

" mine "

Sunoo whispered into the younger's neck, leaving wet open mouthed kissing across his jaw line down to his clavicle and then his chest as his soft palm circled around his painfully hardened cock.

" you are so hard "

Sunoo mumbled shortly before going back to painting red bruises on the younger's lush neck, shoulder, clavicle and chest.

The younger couldn't supress the tiny noices leaving his mouth when the older's skillful hand worked on his dick.

Sunoo palmed the younger's dick, palm moving up and down in a steady pace while his dainty fingers wrapped around his thick cock in a claiming manner, trying to touch every inch of his dick as much as possible.

He couldn't take the slow pace of the torture making his mind a mess so he bucked his hips, trusting into the older's warm palm and moaning the older's name loudly forgetting their parents who were sleeping downstairs.

Sunoo smiled feeling the younger's desperate attempt to give himself pleasure and he couldn't help but stare at the moaning mess under him in utter awe.

" shhh baby you are so loud "

But Ni-ki seem to struggle to keep his voice down so the latter rolled his eyes with a shake of his head before leaning down, capturing the younger's lips in his into a passionate kiss, drinking the latter's moans while he let his finger swipe over the slit of the latter's cock.

Sunoo gently palmed the younger's cock, smearing the precum all over the length that's now glazing like a candy coated with caramel making his mouth water at the wet squelching sounds.

He felt the detailed veins of the latter and traced them so delightly making the younger throw his head back in pure pleasure and eyebrows frowning at the sensation.

" mm good shh yeahhh "

Ni-ki praised the older who smiled and leaned closer to the younger's face, lips hovering over eachother's, straing into eachother's eyes like this is where they belong to, seeing their own reflection in other's eyes sparked desires that made both of them feel a weird sensation in their heart and stomach.

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