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This chapter contains mature contents,
read at your own risk🍥

EDM getting mixed with loud hyped up cheers and other noises that fell into deaf ears of the younger who stared at the lean figure that was now towering him, staring deep into his eyes but the honey painted eyes which were full of warmth are now cold.

" how dare you "

Growled the brunette who got silenced by the older's slight glare and blushed shamlessly but Sunoo paid no mind to her as he grabbed the dazed younger and pulled him up from the couch.

The younger didn't even put up a fight or protested when Sunoo dragged him away from the loud noises and stares of his classmates who watched the whole scene with hawk eyes, his steps a bit unstable but he didn't bother to tell the latter to slow down.

Soon Ni-ki saw a familiar car that belonged to the older who opened the passenger side door and almost shoved him in making him almost hit his head while entering but he didn't dare to complain and obeyed.

Something was telling him to keep his mouth shut and so he stayed silent and observed the older who got into his driving seat and started the engine, they exchanged no words the whole ride, it wasn't awkward but it was definitely cold for the younger who wanted to ask so many questions but didn't dare to.

Something about Sunoo right now was so different like a different person and Ni-ki felt intimidated.

The silence was so loud even when they got out of the car and made their way in the Nishimura residence, it was awkward at first how Sunoo ignored the elders and walked to his room without sparing a single glance to the younger who got bombarded with questions and scoldings for staying out till this late at night but he paid no mind to the nagging as his mind was occupied with something else.

Sunoo didn't even showed up for dinner and it almost drove the younger insane.

Sunoo's complaining and nagging he can take it all but his silence was hurting real bad and maybe that's why he was unable to sleep, his eyes stayed open staring at the ceiling, mind occupied with the thoughts of the older.

He really wanted to run to the older's room and ask him why is he being cold all of a sudden, if there's any misunderstanding he will gladly apologize and beg for forgiveness if thats what it takes for the older to stop avoiding him.

" Sunoo... "

He whispered the older's name softly, there was a hint of longing in his voice, he loved the way the latter's name rolled out of his tongue and it made him feel more desperate for the older's presence.


Sitting on the alcove by the open window, eyes stared blankly at a distance, sky void of stars reflected on his amber painted eyes that looked drained of any emotion.

Mind in a mess he raised the cancer stick that's between his fingers lazily and took a deep wiff, feeling the burn in his lungs.

That burn reminded him of Ni-ki, the younger is like fire in his lungs that is painful but addicting.

The heat in his lungs which was soon followed by the cheery buzz in his head. Sunoo chased down the tobacco-filled smoke with a swig of brandy. He was almost certain he could feel it entering his bloodstream instantly soothing the predicament of his taxing life.

He watched intently as the smoke whitened under the bitter cold air - The thick white flumes painfully stark against the darkness of the night.

The synthetic happiness brought by substances was growing more and more unlike the genuine joy he took for granted whenever he was with Ni-ki.

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