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In the soft glow of a sacred morning, where the first light of dawn filters through stained glass, a Christian marriage ceremony begins. The chapel, a hallowed sanctuary, whispers of ancient hymns and timeless vows. As the congregation gathers, a symphony of murmured blessings and joyful anticipation fills the air, like the gentle rustle of leaves in a spring breeze.

The bride, a vision of ethereal grace, steps forth, her gown flowing like a river of silken dreams. She moves with a serenity born of love's deepest promise, her eyes shining with the light of a thousand stars. But Ni-ki's eyes weren't focused on the bride but stuck to the man beside her;

In the heart of a lush, verdant garden, where nature's beauty flourishes in every corner, walks his lover with striking elegance. His eyes, sharp and piercing, glisten with an intensity that seems to see into his very soul. Yet, despite their formidable clarity, his features remain soft, as if sculpted by a gentle hand as he smiled at him.

His hair, a cascade of glowing strands, captures the sun's golden rays, turning each lock into a shimmering thread of light. The radiance encircles his head, creating an ethereal halo that lends him an angelic aura. The sun, in its gentle descent, bestows upon him a celestial glow, as if nature herself has anointed him with its purest light.

Dressed in a suit of immaculate neatness, every seam and fold perfectly in place, he embodies refinement. The suit, a deep shade that contrasts with the vivid greens and vibrant blooms around him, accentuates his poised demeanor. It clings to his form with an effortless grace, hinting at the strength and elegance that lie beneath.

His face, softly blushing, adds a touch of endearing vulnerability to his otherwise majestic presence. The delicate hue of his cheeks, like the first blush of dawn on a tranquil morning, speaks of a gentle heart and a soul touched by the beauty that surrounds him. His lips, slightly parted in a wistful smile, convey a sense of dreamy contemplation.

Ni-ki's heart fluttered as he saw that beautiful smile, his own smile was blinding. His every inch tingled with the need to have his lover in his arms, to kiss his beautiful smile until it will turn into a playful pout and to mark every inch of his skin in sincere love.

As Sunoo leads his mother to the aisle where her groom awaits he silently slipped away from the focus of others eyes and stood next to his lover, earning a light laughter that sounded a million times more lovely.

He slid his fingers around the taller's palm, intertwining their fingers he looked into those beautiful eyes that hold endless love for him.

His heart skipped a bit and he realized, he is home. Home to his lover who loves him more than words can ever describe. His eyes brimmed with unshade tears as they locked gaze. The whole world blurred out of their vision as they focused on each other.

Even their parents marriage was a blur to them as they couldn't bring themselves to look away from each other, their eyes conveying their beauty of love.

" I'm feeling so happy right now "

Sunoo whispered between them, soft and sweet before smiling again at his own words.

" me too, love "


The endearment evoked a sense of belonging in him, millions of wild butterflies did a happy dance in his stomach and he so badly wanted to pull the younger in a much needed kiss but he held himself back.

Blinking twice he looked back at their parents who had the same love sick look in their eyes. He would have cringed so bad if it weren't for the same look he had for his own lover.

" they look good together "

His words brought yet another smile to the younger's face who pulled out a pair or couple of rings and handed him a velvet box that carries the groom's ring.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now