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Ni-ki sat on his bed, observing the older as he carefully stirred the soup to cool it down.

" I can do that on my own Hyung, it's been a whole week since that incident- I'm fine now so let me-- "

He tried to get the soup bowl from the older only to receive a glare from him, he looked like an angry kitten and Ni-ki couldn't help but laugh.

" okay okay angry bird do your thing "

He surrendered and allowed the older to do as he pleased. He enjoyed soaking up the affection and attention the older gave him without reservation. He hoped it would continue indefinitely, but he was unaware that the care and affection he had grown accustomed to would not be everlasting.

He had started to notice the growing gap between them, especially when Sunoo began making flimsy excuses to avoid sharing a room with him. Although he tried not to dwell on it, as they spent the entire day together anyway.

However, things took a sour turn when Sunoo stopped initiating kisses and would brush off any concerns with excuses like "I'm just tired, can I rest for a bit?"

Every time he tried to show affection towards the older, all he received were poor excuses. The distance between them became evident when Sunoo refused to reciprocate after Ni-ki confessed his love.

The usual warm reply he has expected never came, but instead, he was met with an uncomfortable silence and a blank expression, showing only a small hint of hurt. The older quickly made a flimsy excuse to escape the awkward situation.

Escape from him.

Watching him run away instead of opening up about his concerns and worries was exhausting, especially when he was right there to listen without judging. It made him question if Sunoo truly relied on him the way he relied on Sunoo.

But still he tried to grasp onto fine sand that was slipping past the gaps of his fingers. He assured himself that it's just a phase, maybe the older is too shaken about everything that's going on with them, their parents upcoming marriage and on top of that he fainted, making everyone worry.

He tried grasping on the weak threads just to watch it snap and burn into ruins when he finally decided to confront the older.

" Hyung, did I do something wrong? Why... "

He didn't need to finish the question because he knew the older person already understood him, showing that they still had a strong connection even without speaking much. This made him anticipate what was coming next.

However, he realized that he may have understood too quickly, as the pain he expected to feel in his heart was not as intense as he thought - it was more numb than anything. This numbness made him feel detached and indifferent.

He would rather feel that pain than the numbness.

" I think we should end this "

There, the bitter truth was now out in the open. He is scared, he is broken but he would rather put up a stronger front to listen to his beloved further. Let him explain... maybe he misunderstood? Maybe there was a misunderstanding? Maybe he did something to hurt him unknowingly and maybe things can be fixed. Maybe they don't have to end this way...


" I think we should just listen to the elders and- and play this role of perfect family.. "

Sunoo said stuttering funnily but Ni-ki didn't laugh, he wouldn't, he couldn't.. he just smiled and studied his lover's face.

Eyes red with overwhelming tears, nose and cheeks flushed red, lips quivering.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now