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Staring at the glass roof skylight in the middle of his ceiling he clenched his shirt right above his heart.

The night sky was so beautiful yet the only thing he could think of was Kim Sunoo and his beautiful eyes, his cute frowning eyebrows, his soft cheeks, his sweet lips.

He touched his lips softly, scared to wipe away the thingling remaining feeling of the older's lips on his even though it wasn't a proper kiss still it was the only thing he could think of.

His heart was beating so fast he could hear it loud and clear in his ear in the tranquil room. Laying on his cozy mattress in pure darkness he thought about his actions back in the swimming pool.

He was never the reckless one. He always had good control on his actions and desires, then what happened now? He knew what he did was wrong, he knew he shouldn't have crossed that line with the person whom he will soon be calling his step brother but..

There was not even the slightest bit of regret in fact now that he had tasted the older's lips even for a brief moment he wants to feel them again, this time more longer and more deeper.

They were soft, moist, plumpy and sweet just like he imagined them.

Now that he thinks about it he never felt so needy and wanted something so bad in his entire life, there were times be felt physical attraction to some people which was rare yet he never felt the need to have physical connection with them let alone a small peck on the lips but with Sunoo it is all so different.

What he thought was dalliance was something much more than that. He isn't a dumbass to not know what his heart was leading him to but the question is... Is he ready for this?

Is he responsible enough to take responsibility for the consequences of his actions? There is nothing right and wrong as long as nobody will be getting hurt by his actions.. but what he was about to do could bring their whole family to an awkward position and he doesn't want that... What about him then?

What about his desires, his heart, his needs and wants? What about the way his body always reacts to the older whenever he is around or will say anything, even the little interaction with the older leaves him feeling millions of things he himself was confused about.

' am I being selfish? '

He asked himself thinking about how he never asked for the older's concent before kissing him or touching him but he swore he could see the older was as affected by his actions as he himself was.

It's not as strong as his but the older still have something for him and he knows it better than the said person.

All his questions needs to be answered and for that he needs to confirm his feelings and there is only one way to that.

Kim Sunoo.


Watching the empty living room as the elders already left for the office and the cook had already made them breakfast which was sitting on the large dinning table elegantly he heaved a long and deep sigh.

He have to call Ni-ki down for breakfast. He don't have a good memory about going to his room and calling him last time. He gulped as he made his way to the devil's room.

He knocked on the door loud and clear so he will not be accused sneaking in or something.

He gulped once again when he heard soft footsteps coming from instead, approching the door and he backed away quickly.

The door swong open revealing a groggy Ni-ki with hair messed up, clothes disheveled, eyes still half close and lips formed in a pout making him look like a duck.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now