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31st January

Sunoo was lost in thought as he gazed at the calendar on his study table, paying no attention to his notes and books that lay forgotten.

The pages made a gentle rustling sound as a soft breeze wafted in through the open window. His eyes shifted from the calendar to the blinds, which were gracefully swaying in the evening breeze.

Only when he saw a hand reaching out to close the window did he finally notice the younger who previously entered through his bedroom door, obstructing the late winter breeze that had been carrying away his thoughts.

" keep your windows close, it's freezing outside "

Ni-ki looked at him, gazing gently as ever. He couldn't help but smile at the younger and his nagging.

" then keep me warm "

He requested and in no time the younger enveloped him in a tight warm embrace, nuzzling his nose in the older's hair Ni-ki whispered;

" is this warm enough? "

Unknowingly his smile stretched and he nuzzled closer, deeper into the embrace of his lover.

He answered softly.

" more than enough "

They remained in the same position for some time until Ni-ki recollected the reason he is here.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, they called us for dinner."

He remarked. Sunoo sighed and sulked, lacking any desire to eat plus he is so comfortable in Ni-ki's embrace. It was as if Ni-ki could perceive his thoughts, as he chuckled and stated,

"Hyung, you should eat; we can cuddle later."

Carrying a pout on his lips, he made his way downstairs to the dining area, where he greeted the elders and settled into his usual seat. Ni-ki followed suit, plopping down beside him as per usual.

The elderly couples engaged in light conversation while enjoying their dinner and the younger two stayed silent, focusing on their food and occasionally responded if someone asked them a question.

" how is your study going Sunoo? "

Asked Ni-ki's dad and halted his chopsticks to answer.

" it's fine dad, I think I will score good this time as well "

Through his peripheral vision Sunoo could see Ni-ki's proud smile. He too smiled and earned an acknowledging nod from the elders.

" that's good to hear, your exam starts from february right? "

He nodded in response and then his mom participated in the conversation.

" how about Ni-ki? Ni-ki- ya your exam is at the end of february right? Are you prepared enough? Do not feel stressed okay? Ask your Sunoo hyung all your doubts, I'm sure he will help you with them "

She smiled at Ni-ki assuringly and Ni-ki smiled wider before shooting a glance at his boyfriend who blushed and resumed eating.

It was a peaceful dinner that ended with warm conversations and silly light heated jokes.


Ni-ki playfully leaned against the bedroom door, arms crossed over his chest, and teasingly asked, " are you sure you are not going to sulk? " with a mischievous smile on his face.

" don't tease me.. plus I need to study and you should too "

Sunoo replied, settling down on his chair and opened his book, fingers tracing over the highlighted words with a pout dancing on his cherry glazed lips. Cheeks puffed and flushed slightly pink because he was aware of the younger staring.

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