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Sunoo stood in front of his enormous mirror, with only a soft humming echoing through the silent room. He held a little hair straightener in one hand and pulled up strands of his hair with the other. After going back and forth with his hair, he peered in the mirror with trepidation until he felt a soft tug at the back of his head, followed by a few caresses, and eventually a deep voice murmured.

"Your hair looks cute"

It was a little compliment, nothing cheesy or brash, yet it made his heart skip a beat and his face flush.

" Can you do mine too?"

A wide smile spread across his face, and he quickly nodded before turning to face his boyfriend, who gazed down at him and smiled tenderly. He looked so gorgeous in his clean and immaculate suit, but his hair was still tousled, and Sunoo's fingers tingled at the notion of styling it.

He set down his mini hair straightener and walked to one corner of the room, returning with a small chair and placing it in front of the mirror, signaling Ni-ki to take a seat. Ni-ki complied and looked at him with a soft gaze that always made every inch of him tingle and his face hot.

"Is there any style you want particularly?"

He questioned, trying to ignore those lovely eyes staring directly at him; they'd been together for months, yet it still feels unbelievable and unreal.

"Anything you want baby"

That endearment made him smile; he bit his bottom lip and stood between the younger's legs, but before he could begin, Ni-ki gripped his waist and drew him into his lap.

"You do realize that standing for a long time of time can be uncomfortable? This looks more comfortable, right?"

The younger had a teasing smirk on his face, and Sunoo couldn't help but lean in for a short kiss before laughing at his ridiculous explanation for having him on his lap.

"yes, very comfortable"

He nodded before picking up strands of the younger's hair and carefully straightening them with the tiny straightener. Ni-ki could only laugh and adore his boyfriend.

"When you concentrate on my like that, your face looks really cute hyung"

"shut up"

They both laughed, and Ni-ki's hands quickly settled on the curve of his boyfriend's waist, caressing and squeezing it.

"you look so beautiful in this suit, I don't want us to leave this room"

This earned him a playful glare.

"it's our parents' wedding, we can't miss it, Riki"

Right, it's time.


"Stop touching your hair, I worked so hard on them!"

Sunoo pouted when he saw the younger touch his hair for the tenth time, and the latter grinned apologetically.

"are you nervous?"

The question was mainly for himself.

"Not really?" I'm just a little concerned I'll ruin their special day because I'm bad at pretending and can't pretend I'm completely fine with whatever they're doing."

He grinned halfheartedly, which was exactly how Sunoo felt as well. He smiled sadly.

He at least wanted to be happy for his mother. Selfish or not, she is his mother, and he knows she is not a cruel person, yet.... He shook his head and brought one hand to compare his fingers to the younger's as he turned the steering wheel towards the venue.

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