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A quiet space, surrounded by desirable atmosphere of silence there sat two figures next to eachother at the study table of the younger in his room.

Trying to study.

Key word- trying.

Mental attention and concentration that one needs while studying was nowhere to be found in the younger who tried harder to stay focused on the text book sitting on his desk while the older was busy explaining it.

To say it was a distraction having Kim Sunoo sitting this close to him, close enough to have their thighs touching was an understatement.

He was fucking losing his shit over how soft the older's thighs feels against his clothed muscular thighs that he earned from hardworking in gym.

" Then what's the difference between simile and metaphor? "

Suddenly asked the older pointing at his textbook catching him off guard who looked at his text book and blink twice before looking at the latter and blinked twice again.

" huh? "

He asked stupidly.

" I asked what's the difference between simile and metaphor? It's not even that hard Riki answer me "

To say Kim Sunoo was strict was not even a joke, this guy right here looks like somebody killed his whole family, resting bitch face that looks cold, voice harsh with no honey dripping like other times, his aura was something different.

Ni-ki regreted asking for the older to tutor him.

Nevertheless he tried to answer but ended up looking more stupid.

" tch Riki all you need to do is fucking listen to me where is your brain at? Don't just stare at your book pay attention "

Said Sunoo who was still looking at the words printed on that thick book while waiting for the younger to respond to his scolding. It never came.

He mentally graoned in annoyance as he looked up from the text book to look at the younger beside him just to watch him staring.. more precisely staring at his lips.


He froze and he realised how close they are sitting to each other and he couldn't help but let his eyes travel to the younger's face and his gaze landed on his inviting lips.

It looks moist, plumpy, red, shiny... So perfect and kissable.

His mind suddenly started to flash the previous night's kiss in front of his eyes, making him gulp.

Without knowing he leaned in catching the younger off guard who froze and instantly looked at his eyes which were hooded and looking at his lips.

Unknowingly he licked them as he felt them drying under the hot gaze of the older who inched closer, so close that their breath was mixing.

He could see the older's feature clearly, amber eyes surrounded by beautiful long eyelashes, sharpe fox like eyes, tall and perfect nose bridge, soft cheeks with a hint of soft blush that appeared when he saw the younger licking his lips, full cherry chapstick wearing lips that looked so delicious he almost drooled, everything about the older was so beautiful, so breathtaking, so gorgeous his heart pained.

He waited for those beautiful lips to crash on his.

Sunoo's mind filled up with all the world's Jungwon said this afternoon in cafeteria, he needs to do something about his feelings, he needs to confront Nishimura Riki all on his own.

He needs to understand his feelings and the limited time that was running out of his hands like soil was pressuring him so much that he keeps getting desperate day by day.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now