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🍥This chapter contains mature contents
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In the darkness inside the car wet squelching sounds filled the small space as air turned humid despite the ac running at full speed, despite it being freezing cold outside, two bodies embraced each other as they exchanged their sweet saliva, tongues dancing rythemicaly as lips enveloped lips.

Eyes stayed connected stubborn to look away as if it's demanding to hold a conversation that words can't describe.

Sweet soft thighs wrapped tightly around the younger's hips as he drank the forbidden wine of the older's cherry worn lips, it's sweet, it's forbidden... It's perfect.

Cold finger tips smoothly started gliding on the flushed thighs of the older making him arch his back and a gasp left his mouth that was muffled by the man above him.

" sweet "

Said the younger, swirling his tongue over those swollen lips before placing a firm peck on them.

Amber eyes stared back at him, a dark thirst in them that rose from the depth of his soul and Ni-ki couldn't help but believe, if there is heaven.. it can't be better than this.

" are you sure you want that? "

He asked, voice very soft almost like a feather and Sunoo felt like his heart was being picked on mercilessly.

He just nodded excepting the younger to understand his desperation and urgency, no matter how much he wanted to take things slow, he just couldn't when he is with the younger one.

No matter how hard he will try to take small steps, things always end up in a way he will end up rushing and it scares him, he may have never mentioned it but he is scared about this relationship, he is scared of losing and hurting the only person he always wants to cherish.

When things started with Ni-ki he blamed himself for not being strong enough and getting swayed easily but ended up accepting it as he saw the determination in the younger's eyes.

When their kisses became more frequent he thought this is just a phase- well atleast for him and he will soon be over it all without getting his heart broken.

When their kisses turned into long makeout sessions he couldn't help but question himself if what he is doing is right and if he is ready for the consequences of their actions.

He knows Ni-ki is younger than him and so ultimately he will be the one to be blamed in their relationship and it might ruin their relationship and their family.

Dalliance? Fuck that it's more than that, it's intense and crazy, it's beautiful and ugly, it's bitter and sweet.

Seeing that the younger is still staring at him without making a move he sighed and grabbed the latter's face in his hands, almost like the younger is fragile and he is scared to him breaking in his hold.

" I want you "

" please give yourself to me "

His eyes glazed when he uttered those words in a plea, trying to suppress the inner turmoil for the uncertain future because right now all that matters is Ni-ki, Ni-ki and Ni-ki.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now