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The room filled with tranquility with only the sound of soft wisps of the breath was heard. Laying on the soft mattress on his back he put his right arm above his eyes covering his sight as he tried harder not to make any sound.. it was almost impossible and he wanted to moan out loud when Ni-ki kept caressing his waist while lying next to him on his side, staring at his face.

He could feel that desire filled gaze on his face making him feel hot under those dark brown eyes.

Suddenly the younger squeezed the soft curve of his waist making him whimper but he bit his lips to suppress any kind of sound coming out from his mouth.

He sighed while opening his eyes and turned his head to look at the younger just to meet the latter's gaze who was staring at him deep into his amber painted eyes making him gulp.

What is this feeling? He thought he felt his body getting under some spell. He easily could have pushed away the younger's hand but his body was craving for the other's touches making him feel extremely weak.

He cleared his throat before diverting his gaze back at the white ceiling above them, staring at the space as he said;

" So why are you still here? Shouldn't you leave already? Now that you got what you wanted... "

He trailed off at the end of his sentence, avoiding the younger's heated gaze who stared at him without answering.

" I'm asking you something Riki "

Said Sunoo this time looking at the younger just to gasp when the latter suddenly pulled him closer which resulted in their body being pressed together and the younger wrapped his arm tighter around the older's waist whose eyes comically grew wider by the close proximity of their faces.

" Will you get mad if I kiss you again? "

Asked the younger while gliding his hand from the older's waist to his face cupping it with his warm palm. Sunoo almost melted in his touch.

" mhm.. I will get really mad "

Said the older in a serious tone and turned around on the bed, his back facing the younger who shifted closer to him and suddenly spooned him with his bigger frame from behind.

He was about to elbow the younger when he felt something soft on his nape.

He giggled and to Ni-ki it was music to his ears. He continued to give small pecks on the nape of the older's neck who was trying to push him away while giggling.

" s-stop Riki! it tickles! "

Said the older trying to push away the younger who had no intention of stopping and suddenly his giggles turned into a surprised moan when the younger placed an open mouthed kiss on the crook of his neck, sucking on his flesh, painting that area of his neck with a faint shade of red.

" R-Riki.. "

Sunoo whispered and the younger just grabbed his shoulder, turning him around making him lay on his back again.

" So you really will not let me kiss you again? "

Ni-ki asked, his voice soft and full of curiosity making the older gulp while thinking of an answer. He wanted to say ' no kiss me more please ' but he gulped down those words before it could escape his lips and said;

" it's late you should leave Nishimura Riki "

His voice came out a bit cold making him regret it when the younger's face fell a little.

" can't I sleep with you? Just sleep really.. "

Ni-ki asked, tightening his arm around the older's waist. Sunoo couldn't help but sigh and give up.

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