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The night when even the stars are dull
This familiar and unfamiliar silence.
Go beyond the bright city
Where the only remains are left
Of what was to be a happy family..

You remained by my side.
Your hands in mine
Exchanging a warm smile
You whispered.

you have me


21st February

The pale moon is out yet again, decorating the winter sky with somber and melancholy as Sunoo lay down on his warm bed, an old picture frame in his hand.

A picture of him when he was just a teenager with lots of self doubt, is he still the same? He wondered.

He stared at the beautiful woman beside him in the picture, a bright smile like his own decorating the much younger face.

His mother.

She has always been warm and gentle, sweet and caring. They always have been closest to each other but now...there is a rift between them, a big crack created by him and he wonders if he can bridge them.

He has decided to tell his mother about his relationship with Ni-ki, it's only fair to come out more than any later and apologize for all the lies he told her.

It's easier said than done tho but he has to take this step, more importantly he isn't alone. He has Ni-ki, his Ni-ki, who promised to be with him through thick and thin.

He knows things may not end up the way he wished for but the promise of the younger helps him keep his ground.

He knows, even if the world will go against him, give up on him, his Ni-ki would never and he too will make sure to stay by his side, despite their parents'decision.

He decided not to dwell on the same thought any longer as it will only fuel his doubts and nervousness so he decided to just go and check on Ni-ki. It's the exam week for the younger and he must have been stressed.

He climbed down his bed and padded to the next door. Without bothering to knock he cracked open the door as silently as possible.

What he saw was the younger, instead of studying as he thought, is actually sleeping while his head resting on his folded arms on the study desk. He looked tired and so his heart clenched.

He softly approached the younger and took a glance at his books and notes laying open on the desk, he then diverted his gaze to the younger's sleeping form and the urge to touch and caresses his soft hair was unavoidable so he gave in to his urges and begane to card his fingers through the younger's fluffy, tousled hair.

A ghost of smile decorated on his own lips and then he leaned down to place a soft kiss on the younger's head.

“ Sunoo hyung.. ”

Suddenly Ni-ki called him in his sleepy voice and he wondered if the younger one was asleep.

“ are you sleep talking? ”

Sunoo asked, an obviously stupid question.

“ umm... ”

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now