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Watching the newly engaged couple making breakfast together lost in their own world in the small space of the kitchen, laughing and giggles on silly jokes between themselves, totally ignoring the stare of a fox-eyed male standing near dining table with an annoyed expression painted on his face.

Annoyed because he couldn't sleep last night.

Why you may ask? Well he was having dreams about his soon to be step brother and it was hella weird. Nothing inappropriate but it was like they were being hella clingy and lovey dovey.

He shivered at the memory and shook his head to clear his mind.

“ He is now messing with my head I swear Kale it's really annoying. ” He said to Kale last night who elegantly ignored his ranting and looked away.

Well speaking of the devil where is he? Thought Sunoo as he turned his head racking his eyes everywhere but to his relief (?) the younger was nowhere to be seen.

Must be sleeping?

Anyways he got up and walked to the couples, clearing his throat intentionally to get their attention and it worked as they paused to give him a questionable look.

“ you were supposed to make breakfast for us.. is it done yet? I'm kinda hungry ”

He said, sounding extremely calm which was scary.

“ Breakfast will be ready in soon please wake Riki up by then Sunoo ”

It was his mom's fiance who asked politely to the younger with a warm smile who instantly nodded, he didn't want to come off as rude anyways.

Great! now he has to wake that sleepyhead up.


Knocking on the door for like four times still there came no answer so he inhaled sharply and pushed open the door meeting with an empty but neat room.

As soon as he stepped into the room with hesitant steps he was engulfed in a very familiar scent. The whole room smells like it's owner and Sunoo somewhat found himself getting lost in the scent and unknowingly started taking deep breaths but then there came a sound of a door sliding open followed by light footsteps.

He turned around and oh fuck- a silent scream left his mouth as he fell back landing on the carpet on his butt with his hands covering his eyes.

There stood Nishimura Riki, Naked- I mean only in his Calvin Klein boxers , honey tanned skin and tonned muscles flexing under the warm ceiling lights, hair drenched with water dripping down from the ends sliding down his body inch by inch.

He looked so hot standing there with a blank expression, staring at the older sitting on his carpeted floor, covering his eyes, tip of his ears and neck all red.

“ I'm sorry I didn't see anything really ”

“ I'm sorry for entering in your room too ”

“ I actually knocked but you--- ”

Sunoo started blabbering sorries in his defence but automatically shut his mouth when he felt a strong grip around his wrists and his hand being pulled away from his face.

“ Sunoo ”

That deep voice, the way he called his name so softly but in a deep husky voice sent shiver down his spine.

He gulped before slowly opening his eyes and his breath hitched when he was met with dark gaze, those puma shaped eyes were dangerous, the alarm in his head was going off telling him to run away but his body wasn't ready to cooperate.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now