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Hailee Steinfeld and Maeve Dawson hated each other. It all started when they were both competing for top spot in one of their classes, trying to be the best of the best when they both ended up being in second, losing to some puny nerd. Ever since then it's been back and forth hate between them, their rivalry only growing. And now they were living together.

Hailee had no clue why Maeve had put up such a fight against her when it came to classes or being top in everything. She admired her determination (although she'd never admit it out loud) and it was one of the reasons why she was intrigued with her. Hailee never actually hated Maeve but when it seemed like Maeve hated her, she couldn't just pretend they could be friends that easily.


Hailee was just as shocked as Maeve was, but she wasn't annoyed like the Dawson girl was either. In fact she believed this could be an opportunity to get to know her better without her seeming desperate.

After heading back into the bathroom, Hailee threw on some boxers with some baggy jeans. A white tank top underneath her favorite red flannel. She slid her metal rings on her fingers, looking in the double mirror as she fixed her hair and makeup. Hailee strung up her favorite necklace around her neck, tucking it in her shirt.

Maeve, however, was in the middle of a mental breakdown. Well, not completely but she was freaking out over Hailee being her roommate. She decided to get some fresh air outside on the balcony. As soon as the door opened, the cold breeze of Los Angeles hit her face, making her feel refreshed already.

She leaned over the railing, admiring the sky. She didn't exactly notice how she leaned over a little too much until she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist, pulling her away before she flipped over the railing and fell onto the prickly cactus' of her downstairs neighbors.

"Holy shit." The voice of Hailee rang through her ears as her magnificent hazel eyes looked deep into her brown hues. "You okay there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Maeve forced herself out of the taller girls grip, shaking her head as she walked away and slammed the bathroom door shut. Hailee sighed to herself, shaking her head as she looked up at the cloudy sky before heading back inside.


First period rolled around faster then Maeve had hoped. She was already hustling down with her backpack filled with crap that she needed for each class as she walked down to her first class. Math. Oh, how she hated math.

Her major was music, which happened to also be Hailee's, unfortunately, so all Maeve could do is hope that she wasn't on the same period as her.

She sat down in her go to seat, the back of the classroom. Her glasses perched perfectly up on the bridge of her nose as she adjusted the dark blue jean jacket she wore over a striped crop top with tight skinny jeans. Her white converse sticking out with the black laces she had replaced them with.

She fortunately saw someone she knew sit next to her. Selena Gomez was another good friend of hers, not as close as Zendaya or Sydney, but good enough that she trusted her and would do anything for her. She was a sweet, shy girl, with a lovable personality. And she was so beautiful too. Maeve never really understood how Selena never noticed her own beauty.

"Hey Mae-Mae." That ridiculous nickname that Selena had given her stuck ever since. And by now she's used to it but she didn't really care. A small part of her liked it. "How was your summer?"

"Nothing compared to last year." Maeve huffed and Selena gave her a sympathetic smile in return. "How about you? Didn't you go to Florida this summer?"

"I did. It was amazing, so beautiful and the beaches truly are packed no matter what time of day it is but it's worth it." Selena smiled as she started talking about the amazing summer she had. The reason Maeve's and Selena's friendship is so strong is because Maeve will listen to whatever Selena talks about and it could go on like that for hours.

"I'm glad it was good for you. We'll have to hang out sometime." When Selena nodded in agreement, Maeve decided to smile at her before turning her head to the math book in front of her. She flipped through the pages, eying the upcoming material they'd cover. She had her highlighters, pencils, and pens lined up along the side of her desk.

"Hope you're good at math, princess." That annoying voice again. If she just ignores it, it will go aw- "Or not, either way we're stuck together in this class." Hailee took her seat behind Maeve, deciding to annoy her by kicking her feet up on the back of Maeve's chair. "You look pretty today by the way." She whispered in the Dawson girls ear that for some reason sent shivers down her spine.

Maeve rolled her eyes, turning around to harshly push the taller girls feet off, giving her a glare. "Just shut up, mind your business, and we won't have a problem, Steinfeld." She shut her up and just as Hailee opened her mouth to speak, Maeve turned back around. "And stop calling me princess."

"Aw but it's cute. Just like you." Hailee flirted with a wink that made Maeve's glare harden as she was cut off by the bell. She flipped Hailee off which elicited a small chuckle from the brunette behind her before she turned back around to focus on the teacher.


By the end of the day, Maeve was exhausted. She didn't even pay attention to Hailee saying bye to her friends before walking into the bathroom. Maeve just changed into her favorite pajama bottoms with a tank top. She was hanging up her clothes and putting away her school stuff when her eyes snapped over to Hailee's tall figure who walked out of the bathroom wearing only a sports bra and boxers. Her abs were the only thing Maeve was focused on.

"See something you like?" Hailee smirked as she tilted her head to the right, drying her wet hair as as Maeve looked up at the taller girl, a barely noticeable blush on her cheeks as she cleared her throat.

"Night." Was all the Dawson girl said as she shut the lamp off, leaving Hailee to smile to herself in the dark. After a moment, the hazel eyed girl climbed in her own bed, staring at the ceiling when she heard the cute, soft snores coming from the other side of the room.

She looked over to see Maeve, her beautiful brown hair sprawled out on the pillow sheet, those gorgeous brown hues hidden behind her eye lids. Hailee studied her face, her sharp jawline to her perfectly knitted eyebrows, to her pink lips that formed a thin line. Hailee was appalled at how beautiful she was.

"Beautiful." Whispered Hailee as she smiled one last time before turning over and going to sleep herself.

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