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After the fight a couple days ago, Hailee had a slight broken nose and her knuckles had multiple bruises over them but she didn't care. She had a very good reason to send Niall to the hospital.

Maeve had been playing nurse for the time she was healing. Restocking the ice for her hands and nose and making sure she limited what she did so she didn't hurt herself more. Hailee was grateful for that.

Right now, she was laying in bed, her Xbox controller in hand as she calmly played COD. She heard the door open, glancing over to see Maeve walk in with a tired expression on her face.

"Hi." Maeve whispered, collapsing on top of Hailee, who let her, feeling Maeve wrap her arms around her torso as she kept playing her game, but resting her hands on Maeve's back.

"Hi, princess. You okay?" Hailee asked, keeping her eyes glued to the screen in front of her.

"I'm on my period." Maeve groaned as she buried her face in Hailee's chest.

"Aw I'm sorry. Do you need anything?" She offered the shorter girl, who glanced up to see her playing her game with a genuine look on her face, she would clearly go out and get her anything to make Maeve feel better.

"Can we get some snacks?"


Hailee and Maeve walked up and down the aisles of the grocery store they went to. Maeve holding Hailee's hand tightly and cutely as Hailee yawned, bringing the hood of her jacket up over her head, her sneakers tapping against the floor as they walked.

"I need chocolate." Maeve stated and dragged Hailee over to where the chocolate was, grabbing two packs of M&M's, a Reese's cup, and some Hershey's bars.

"Is it true that girls crave chocolate when they're on their period?" Hailee asked with another yawn, grabbing a bag of hot chips from behind her. Maeve nodded her head, grabbing a Red Bull.

"Yeah, I can't explain it though but it's a craving that I have all the time I'm on my period." Maeve shrugged her shoulders, Hailee grabbing some granola bars for when she works out and tossing them into the cart. "Want some ice cream?"

"Sure." When they got to the ice cream section, Maeve went up and down the aisle, exploring the many options as Hailee yawned once again, leaning against the cart.

"What do you think? Which flavor sounds good?" The shorter girl asked, looking up at Hailee who stared back with hooded eyes. Hailee hummed, running her hand along the fridge doors before stopping and grabbing a mint chip carton.

"This one." Hailee held it up as she put it in the cart and Maeve smiled in approval. Hailee held her hand out for Maeve to take, who did take it without hesitation and the two walked to the register. Maeve went to pull out her wallet but Hailee beat her to it. "Don't even think about paying."

"You give off sugar mommy vibes." Maeve smirked, playfully rolling her eyes as Hailee forcefully pushed her wallet away back into her pants pocket, stopping her from paying.

When Hailee finished paying, she even held all the bags, not wanting Maeve to as they walked back to the car. Soft music playing on the radio as Maeve opened her Red Bull, offering Hailee a sip who happily took it, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I forgot to ask but did you need anything?" Hailee turned her gaze over to the girl who furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Like pads, tampons, whatever else you need for your period."

"You're so sweet." Maeve smiled as she stroked Hailee's hand, who blushed, directing her gaze back to the road before Maeve spoke up again. "But no. I've got everything, thank you."

"Your welcome." Hailee whispered softly as she handed the red Bull packed hearing Maeve open up the bag of chips. Maeve held up a chip for Hailee, who opened her mouth for it. The shorter girl giggling as she placed it on her tongue, eating a chip of her own after.

"You tired?" Maeve asked, intertwining her fingers with Hailee's as she heard the girl yawn for the fifth time tonight.

"Yeah." Hailee hummed. "I want to go home and I want cuddles."

"Anything for my knight in shining armor." Maeve chuckled, smiling as Hailee stroked the back of her hand with her thumb as they drove in a comfortable silence back home.


When Maeve shut the door, she heard Hailee collapse onto the bed, setting the snacks down in the fridge and counter as she changed into pajamas. When she saw Hailee already knocked out on her bed, laying on her stomach, she smiled like crazy.

The sight was adorable.

Maeve climbed into bed shortly after, pulling the stronger girl on top of her to the best of her ability, Hailee's arms lazily thrown over her waist as her face was buried in Maeve's chest. Maeve smiled and stroked her hair.

Maeve was always good at running but how could she ever run from Hailee?

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