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Hailee sat in questioning with the Los Angeles Police Department, two officers sat in front of her while she crossed her arms, unfazed.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" One of them asked. Kennedy, officer Kennedy. Hailee thought he was probably the one who had more patience while the other guy next to him, didn't.

"Niall threw the football, almost hitting me and Maeve. There was some yelling and the coach stopped us, but then Niall charged at me." Hailee explained, her voice low as she kept her eyes sharp on the officers in front of her. Her mind only set on Maeve.

Stupid leprechaun Hailee growled in her head when she grimaced at Niall's name, letting out a sigh as Kennedy nodded, jotting down some notes.

"I believe you." He shut his notebook, Hailee's eyes snapping up to the officer who stood up.


"I believe you." Kennedy repeated. "It's not the first time this has happened. Niall had been involved or the cause of many of these fights and funny thing is, he's never won a single won." The officer chucked before clearing his throat. "The only thing I'm giving you is one week of community service but that's it. You're off the hook."

Hailee sat in shock, with wide eyes before realizing what he said. "Wait. He's never won a single fight?" She tried not to smile or laugh, but she was failing miserably. So were the officers.

"Yeah." They all stared at each other before they burst out laughing, Hailee shaking her head as happiness filled her heart.

She wasn't going to jail.


Hailee quietly snuck back into her dorm room, noticing how all the lights were off, she figured Maeve was sleeping. And she was right, when she noticed her sleeping figure, she carefully snuck over to the side of the bed. Hailee crouched down, her warm hand softly tucking some hair behind Maeve's ear which eventually led to the shorter girl slowly starting to stir.

"Hailee?" Maeve asked groggily, rubbing her eyes to her her vision more clearer. When she finally laid eyes on her unofficial-girlfriend. She smiled, engulfing her a in a big hug. "Hailee!"

"Hey, princess." Hailee said softly, holding Maeve in her arms as she slowly took a seat on the bed, pulling the smaller girl in her lap and rocking her back and forth. "I'm home free."

That was all Maeve needed to hear before she wrapped her lips up with Hailee's, kissing her softly before they cuddled up together with a content smile on both girls' faces.


The next day, Hailee had Maeve blindfolded, leading her out to a wide, open field with a beautiful picnic set up right underneath a tree with bright green leaves.

"Okay, ready to take it off?" Hailee asked as Maeve nodded and soon the blindfold was off. Maeve had to blink a couple times to adjust to the light before she noticed the picnic cloth set up. A basket of food with a bouquet of beautiful flowers awaiting for her.

She smiled, feeling excitement burst through her veins as Hailee grabbed her hand, dragging her over to the blanket with a giggle.

"I swear, you're such a cheesy romantic." Maeve teased but deep down, she loved it. Hailee rolled her eyes playfully with a smirk, grabbing Maeve's hand and kissing the back of it.

"Only for you, Maeve Dawson." She winked as they smiled and giggled for the rest of their evening, savoring their first ever date.


When they arrived home, Hailee and Maeve shared a passionate kiss before they explored each others bodies once more, wanting to dig deeper into this new found (secret) love they now share for each other.


"Fuck." Hailee panted when both girls came down from their high, Maeve climbing off of the taller brunettes lap after riding her. She collapsed on the bed beside her, Hailee immediately wrapping an arm around her, pulling their naked bodies together.

"You know this might be the first time, I've let you dominate me." Maeve chuckled at Hailee's statement which made the Steinfeld girl smile.

"Baby, I dominated you before. I'm guessing no other girl did, but... I'm different." Maeve ran her hand along Hailee's chest, rubbing it softly as Hailee sighed out, relaxing into her touch and closing her eyes.

"Maeve." Hailee said, breathing out deeply as Maeve smiled at Hailee's relaxed form.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" She turned her head towards the Dawson girl, who smiled widely, nodding softly with a small bite of her lip before leaning up and giving Hailee a long, sweet kiss on the lips. "Mm so is that a yes?" Hailee smiled with hopeful eyes.

Maeve chuckled, kissing Hailee again on the lips. "Yes."

Roommates or More | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now