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So what Maeve had said was true. Hailee noticed how Maeve, once again, distanced herself. She didn't even bother trying to talk to her this time since she was warned but a part of her wanted to so badly. Her mind would often go back to that night, the love and passion that was shown between them and the desire in their eyes was enough to make Hailee fall harder.

Hailee was just afraid that she was hopelessly falling in love with someone who might shut her out, move on, or not even reciprocate her feelings.

That was the scary part to think about.


Maeve sat on the balcony of her dorm room, inhaling the fresh air of the beautiful morning. She heard the door slide open, she didn't bother looking though, figuring it was just Hailee. It wasn't though. It was someone else.

Angelina Jolie stepped foot on the balcony, leaning against the railing as Maeve finally glanced up, making eye contact with the woman.

"M-Mrs. Jolie?" Maeve asked in shock. Jolie was Maeve's teacher her senior year of high school, because she had a lot of problems going on a home, she quickly found a mother figure in the woman.

"Hi, Ms. Dawson." Jolie waved to her as she was tackled in a huge huge by the younger girl. She chucked, patting her back as she hugged her back. "I hear someone's got a crush." She teased as a small blush appeared on the girl's cheeks. "Shall we talk about it?"


"Be honest with me, Maeve, are you happy with this girl?" Jolie asked as she and Maeve walked through the park, staring up at the bright blue sky and the birds that flew around.

"If happiness feels like my heart wants to explode or fly away every time I see her or think of her, then yeah, maybe?" Maeve was unsure of her feelings. "I mean, I used to hate Hailee, but now I don't know if that was just anger directed from my parents and onto her or if I just deep down liked her and this was my way of coping with it. You know what I'm trying to say?"

"Love is complicated, dear." Jolie started as she let out a soft sigh, crouching down to pet the friendly dogs that approached the pair. "Young love especially. People think that the first person they've met is the one for them and sometimes that is true, and other times that's not." The older woman soon continued to walk with Maeve, who listened to every wise word she had to say. "Take a chance on the ones who are willing to be in your life. Niall clearly wasn't worth it, but Hailee? I've seen that girl. She's a hard worker and has an amazing personality."

Maeve thought about it, all the times Hailee has tried talking to her or taking her out or trying to treat her right, she shut her out. She knew she had to talk to Hailee.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jolie. I think I know what I need to do." Maeve said as Jolie smiled, patting her shoulder. "Oh wait, do you know where Hailee is?"

"I believe the gym." With that, they shared a smile and a small hug before Maeve took off running to go find Hailee, Jolie watching with a proud look in her eye.


Meanwhile, Hailee was in the gym. Punching her feelings out again as she grunted every time her fists made contact with the bag. Her footwork was quick and impeccable as she punched for about 10 more minutes. When she finished, she tossed her gloves back in her backpack, hearing the gym door open.

Maeve came running inside, Hailee making eye contact with her as the shorter girl ran up to her, stopping mere inches away from Hailee.

"You okay?" The taller girl asked, wiping the sweat off her forehead as she pulled her shirt down.

"More than okay." Maeve said and walked up, grabbing Hailee's face and pulling her down to smash their lips together in a passionate, heated, but slow kiss filled with so many emotions that they didn't even need to say anything. Hailee's tongue slowly slid out, asking for entrance that Maeve granted immediately as she opened her lips slightly, allowing Hailee to slip her tongue in, eliciting a soft moan from the shorter girl.

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