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Hailee loved going to parties especially when it was her or her friends hosting it. This time her best friend, Shawn Mendes was. Now normally how it would go for Hailee at parties was that she would get drunk, find some girl that she would leave with and hook up with. She was known for being amazing at sex. Something that the girls she fucked loved, was the fact that she was born with a dick.

Hailee was intersex. When she was a kid she would get made fun of for it but overtime in high school she learned to use that and turn her into a very intimidating person. She was quick witted and smarter than most people thought. Not just school wise but on life in general. Hailee never really got in relationships due to the fact that she knew she'd be possessive and easily jealous.

Although it never stopped it from having a crush on someone.

Like Maeve Dawson.

It was junior year of college, Hailee was top of her class until Maeve decided to fight for top spot. If it had been anybody else, Hailee would've just scared it out of them but Maeve was different. She was sassy, sarcastic, and easily angry. She could be moody but smarter than most. Hailee didn't know why Maeve was in that constant battle of fighting her to be the best of the best.

So of course Hailee did her research on the Dawson girl but it wasn't enough for her to get to know her. When Hailee would try to approach her, she was rejected quicker than ever and that's when she found out she had made an enemy.

But the Steinfeld girl really did have a crush on Maeve. Her feelings for her were getting a little out of hand since they were roommates now. Her confidence boosted a little when the other night she noticed how Maeve was staring very intently at her abs. That was a good thing... right?


"I don't know if it's such a good idea." Maeve shook her head as she disagreed with her excited friends who were squealing on about the party Shawn was throwing. "Isn't Shawn friends with Niall?"

"Yeah but he doesn't matter. What matters is you either need to catch a new dick now or you get yourself some pussy." Sydney punched Maeve's shoulder as Zendaya searched through her closet.

"Or drink alcohol to get your mind off it." Zendaya suggested and Maeve nodded tiredly at that, sighing into her hands as she fell back onto the bed. "Let's just go."

"Alright." Maeve reluctantly agreed as her friends smiled, high fiving each other.


The alcohol burned in the back of Maeve's throat as she swallowed her second tequila shot of the night. Shawn had rented out a bar for over 100 people at his party. She sat by herself at the bar, drinking her 3rd, 4th, and 5th shot of the night. Her mind getting fuzzy as she felt a hand on her arm.

"Woah, easy there." Hailee looked at her with concern as she noticed how drunk Maeve was getting from the amount of alcohol she was drinking at once. "That's a little too much."

"Fuck it." Maeve slurred as she laid a kiss on the inside of Hailee's neck which surprised the taller girl. She gently pushed the drunk girl away, keeping her sat on the bar stool. "I need another oneeee."

"No, you don't. I'm taking you home." Hailee demanded as she scooped the tiny girl up in her arms who yelped out with a drunk laugh, a goofy smile on her face as her dilated eyes stared up at the sky.

When they arrived back to their dorm, Hailee took off Maeve's jacket and shoes, laying her down on her bed. The taller girl then pulled the blanket up over her, setting a bucket on the side of her bed with a water bottle and some Advil for the headache she'll have in the morning.

Hailee pressed a hesitant kiss on the temple of Maeve's head, brushing her hair back as she turned the lamp off. The brunette slipped a hoodie on before walking outside on the balcony, her phone going off as she answered the call she was receiving.

"Hey, what's up?" She put her phone on speaker.

"Where the hell did you go?" The sound of her friend, Florence's, voice rang through.

"My roommate was drunk as hell. Took her home." Hailee replied.

"Bitch, I'm surprised you didn't hook up with anyone tonight." Flo laughed as Hailee shook her head with a quiet chuckle. "Hey tell Maeve I say hi."

"Alrighty." Hailee hung up the call and turned around to see Maeve how wide awake, her back rested flat up against the headboard as she sat up. She looked at Hailee with tired eyes. "Hey, uh I didn't know if you wanted to leave or not but you were drinking pretty heavily."

"Were you there?" Maeve sassed as she crossed her arms stubbornly.

"Yeah. You tried kissing my neck." Hailee smirked as she countered back, seeing Maeve's jaw drop, about to talk but the taller girl cut her off. "Forget about it. Just get some sleep." Hailee recommended as she took her shirt off, tossing it aside somewhere on the floor near her bed, Maeve secretly eyeing her abs again before looking into her eyes, who's were glued to the Dawson girl the entire time.

"Okay." Maeve surprisingly agreed to, trying to lay down and get comfortable but she just couldn't figure out why she couldn't go back to sleep. It wasn't until Maeve took Hailee by surprise by climbing in bed with her. "Just shut up. Not a word about this." She muttered as she cuddled into the bare skin of Hailee's chest. The hazel eyes girl smiling as she placed a hand on the back of Maeve's neck, hooking her there with her other arm around her waist to keep the Dawson girls leg up over her.

"Goodnight then, princess." She whispered and when she heard the small 'goodnight' Maeve muttered back that soon was followed with soft snores.

Roommates or More | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now