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After last night, Maeve didn't want to leave Hailee's side. Honestly, the taller girl didn't mind, she wasn't complaining at all. After coming to terms last night that she loved Maeve, she has been more than happy to keep Maeve around her at all times.

They didn't go to classes today. Maeve said she wasn't feeling good and she specifically expressed how she didn't want Hailee to leave, so she didn't. Maeve was scared. She was scared that without Hailee, she'd be pushed over the edge. And she didn't want that. So she clung to her. She clung so tightly to the Steinfeld girl, that Hailee had to carry her with her everywhere she went. Even the bathroom.

But again, Hailee didn't have a problem.

Right now, Hailee was back on her Xbox, with Maeve on her chest. Maeve was playing with the pendant on Hailee's necklace. It was a little locket of her and her family, the picture was so cute. Her brother, Griffin, looked cool and her parents seemed like sweethearts. She wanted to meet them.

"Fuck, come on." Hailee muttered as she mashed the buttons quietly, trying to keep the noise at a minimum since she didn't want Maeve to be more scared than she was now. "Son of a bitch."

"Did you lose?" Maeve's voice was quiet and soft, sniffling as she looked up at Hailee. Her big brown eyes filled with such vulnerability.

"Yeah." Hailee sighed but smiled anyway, setting her controller down. "But it's okay." She kissed Maeve's forehead, seeing how she closed her eyes and leaned into her touch. "Do you wanna stay in bed all day or did you want to do something, pretty girl?"

The way Hailee never failed to make her blush made Maeve's heart flutter.

"I don't know." She answered honestly with a shrug. "You?"

"Whatever you want." Hailee hummed and kissed her temple, her hand slipping under her shirt to rub her back. "I could order take out and we could have a movie night?"

"I like that." Maeve whispered, closing her eyes and resting her face in Hailee's neck.

Hailee smiled. "Good."


So they did what Hailee suggested. Hailee ordered McDonalds and picked it up outside, with Maeve right next to her, clutching her hand tightly.

They set the food down on the table, getting comfy on the couch as Hailee handed Maeve the milkshake she got. "Hailee?" Said girl turned to the Dawson girl with a questioning gaze. "I want to go on a date with you." Hailee smiled at the statement.

"Okay." She nodded, eating a fry. "How about tomorrow? I'll surprise you." She hooked her finger under Maeve's chin, to make their eyes lock as Maeve nodded with a shy smile. "Good. Now eat your food, you haven't eaten anything all day."

Now one thing Maeve loved, I mean liked, about Hailee was that she actually cared about her well being. Apart from her friends, no one ever checks to see if she's eaten or not. But Hailee? Yeah, she knows even if she wasn't with her. So Hailee made sure that Maeve at least ate something small so she wouldn't get sick or go hungry.

Maeve gratefully took the burger from Hailee's hands, taking a bite and drinking we shake as she leaned her head on Hailee's shoulder. Hailee, wrapped her arm around her, eating some fries and taking a bite of her own from her burger.

They watched the Little Rascals, mostly because it was Maeve's favorite movie and Hailee wanted this night to be about her so she put it on. But she wasn't complaining, she really liked this movie too.

Halfway through the movie, Maeve could feel eyes on her. She turned to see Hailee staring at her lovingly. "What?" She giggled.

Hailee shrugged with a smile. "You're just beautiful." She complimented and Maeve blushed, pulling the blankets over her face to cover her blush. "No, don't hide from me." She pulled them down to see Maeve looking at her with an adoring smile. "Hey there, pretty baby."

"You're a dork." Maeve rolled her eyes playfully as Hailee's smile never left, leaning down to peck her lips softly, Maeve reciprocated and made the kiss longer. It was slow, filled with love and unspoken words.

"Mm hopefully, I'll be your dork." Hailee winked and opened her arms for Maeve to cuddle into as they finished their food, continuing to watch the movie.


A knock on the door was what woke the girls up, seeing the door open and revealing Sydney, Zendaya, and Flo in the frame. "Aw cute." Flo commented when she noticed how Maeve was cuddled up under the covers on top of Hailee. Hailee's arm around her while the other stroked her hair.

"Uh what're you guys doing here?" Hailee sat up, Maeve following and resting her back against the taller girl's front.

"Sorry, Mae, for interrupting your night." Sydney winked and Maeve rolled her eyes with a small smile. "But it's about Niall."

"What about Niall?" Maeve questioned as Hailee's grip tightening on the girl, an anger bubbling inside her at the mention of his name.

"His family wants to press charges against Hailee for the fight." Flo grimaced and Maeve froze while Hailee took a deep breath.

"The police will be here tomorrow for questioning, to get both sides of the story as well as from other witnesses." Zendaya added and Hailee nodded in understanding, turning to Maeve.

"It won't be that bad." Hailee waved off but Maeve looked at her with wide eyes.

"Not that bad? Hailee you could go to jail because you decided to beat him to a pulp." Hailee gave her an offended look as she jumped up from the bed.

"I could? What about him? He started it. This is bullshit." Hailee cursed, throwing her hands up as she angrily grabbed her shoes, putting them on and storming out the room. Maeve rolled her eyes with a sigh, following suit as she jogged after her. Her friends watched with shocked faces.

"Hailee!" Once again, it was the way Maeve called her name, that Hailee stopped. Closing her eyes for a moment before turning around to look at her.


"You're right. It's not your fault, okay? He deserved it." Maeve said more calmly as she approached Hailee. "I don't think you understand that I just can't lose you, Hailee." She confessed and Hailee's gaze softened. "Please figure a way out of this."

"I will." Hailee kissed her forehead as Maeve hugged her. "I will..."

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