Twenty One

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Zendaya and Sydney stormed into their best friends dorm, seeing that Hailee wasn't there, they smiled and jumped on Maeve's bed, startlingly the Dawson girl.

"What the fuck?" Maeve cursed, looking at her friends crazily.

"You've been Hailee for three months now, spill the tea in how everything has been?" Sydney blurted excitedly, shaking Maeve's shoulders as fast as she could while Zendaya sat beside her, watching with a smile.

Maeve sighed, but smiled anyway at the thought of her girlfriend. "It's been amazing. She's a gentlewoman, a sweetheart, she's very caring and thoughtful, and she just gets me." Maeve gushed about Hailee, her friends sharing a look with smiles on their faces. "I really love her you guys."

"We can tell." Zendaya nudged her best friend with a smirk, all of the girls laughing softly before their laughter died out. "We're glad you're happy, Mae, you deserve it."

"And we really like Hailee. She's perfect for you."Sydney added, her hand reaching for Maeve's while Zendaya wrapped her arm around the Dawson girl's shoulders.

"Thanks, you guys, that means a lot to me." Just as soon as Maeve finished her sentence, Hailee walks through the door, holding a ton of bags in her hands.

"Hey, just the people I was looking for." Hailee stated as the other girls all shared a look of confusion. "I got gifts for all three of you." Sydney and Zendaya shared a surprised look, pointing to themselves in question. Hailee nodded, "Yes, you two."

"Aww babe, you shouldn't have." Maeve cooed, standing from the bed to kiss Hailee's cheek, the taller girl smiling as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I wanted to. Now this bag is for you, this one's for you, and you." Maeve had received a royal blue colored bag, Sydney received a silver bag, and Zendaya a gold one. "Open."

All three girls opened the bags, pulling out the only item inside as they all gasped. Zendaya has received a brand new blanket (Hailee knew she loved them based off of what Maeve has told her), Sydney got a brand new set of makeup, while Maeve got a brand new watch.

"The watch is because you said you always want to check the time but don't want to pull out your phone all the time so I got you that." Hailee shrugged as if it was no big deal, but Maeve was practically dying from how the taller girl remembered such little details.

"Thanks Hailee!" Sydney and Zendaya gasped together, too busy enjoying their stuff to look at anyone else. The Steinfeld girl chuckled, nodding her head as she approached her girlfriend to wrap her arms around her from behind.

"Can I put it on you?" Maeve nodded her head to Hailee's question, turning her head to see Hailee step from behind her and grab the watch, carefully sliding it on the Dawson girl's wrist. It was a nice, silver watch. It looked expensive.

"You didn't have to do this." Maeve mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Hailee's neck, the latter giving her a dopey smile as she wrapped an arm around her waist.

"I know, but I wanted to." As Hailee shrugged her shoulders, Maeve leaned up to kiss her softly and longingly, making both girls smile.

"I can't wait to show Tom my new blanket!" They pulled away after hearing Zendaya squeal those words out. All of the girls laughed in response, enjoying the rest of their evening together.

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