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The awkward silence of the morning was disturbing, to Hailee at least, Maeve was shutting everyone out. Last night Maeve cuddled with Hailee to sleep and you could imagine her reaction when she woke up in the strong arms of the taller woman. Of course she knew what she did last night but the feeling in the morning hit her like a train. Maeve didn't like it. She didn't like these feelings she felt.


Hailee sat in the back of the room in math. When class was over she was about to leave until she heard a voice. "Listen, Maeve, I get that you need to get an A but that can't happen unless you get some tutoring. You're struggling and that's not like you. Please find a tutor." The voice of her math teacher said to Maeve who stood in shock.

Maeve couldn't process it. She had a D in math. That's not like her at all. Was she struggling? When the teacher walked out the classroom, Hailee snuck in to see Maeve flipped through her math book pages, only to see that she didn't complete the worksheets given. She was struggling indeed.

"So you're not the best?" Hailee asked quietly as she made her presence noticeable, Maeve snapped her head up in her direction. Hailee twirled a pencil in her hand as she walked around the classroom, up to the front and grabbing the grade Maeve had. "Hm a D? Who are you, princess?"

"Fuck off, Hailee." The Dawson girl snapped, slamming her book shut and rushing out the class. She would've gotten away if Hailee didn't use her strength and tallness to block her. Hailee leaned against the wall, stopping Maeve in her path. "What the hell do you want?"

"Let me tutor you." She proposed and Maeve's eyes went wide, shaking her head rapidly.

"Hell no!"

"Why not?"

"Because... I don't trust you." Maeve hesitantly answered as she let out a breath, shoving the taller girl who scoffed under her breath, watching Maeve speed walk off. Hailee pushed herself off the wall as she walked out of the campus gates.


The water from the lake was warm, not too warm but not too cold either. The trees swayed in the wind, the birds hummed while the butterflies and ladybugs flew around, capturing the essence in nature. Hailee loved nature, it was one of the most calming things ever.

A small wooden deck sat just down the meadow, pink and red flowers strung across like lights along the poles. Hailee stepped upon the deck, sitting down on the edge as her feet dangled over the water, her reflection sparkling in the sunlight. A branch snapped from behind her, causing the brunette to turn around only to see her roommate.

Maeve ignored Hailee's stare, walking to sit a few feet away from her, hugging her knees to her chest as she leaned against the pole. Her eyes gazed ahead at the tall pine trees, the faint view of blue and white mountains in the background.

"I come here to escape." Hailee's soft voice broke the silence, staring up at the clouds and the shapes they made. Smiling a little, she continued. "It's like a safe haven for peace and comfort."

"Yeah." Maeve whispered out, biting her lip in thought as she turned her head towards the taller girl. "Is that tutoring offer still available?"


"Why can't I figure this out?" Maeve whispered to herself as she rested the palm of her hand against her temple, sighing under her breath. Hailee sat next to her, helping her complete the math homework they had.

"Your numbers are wrong." Hailee stated as she scrolled on her phone. Maeve looked over to the brunette, staring at her with a bored expression. "Okay, fine, let me show you." Hailee grabbed the pencil in the Dawson girl's hand, her arm brushing up against Maeve's as she reached over to show her mistakes. "See? You divided this one wrong, so that's how your numbers got mixed up. Don't forget to move the decimal over too." Hailee stated as she handed the pencil back to Maeve, who began solving the problem again with Hailee's new directions.

It didn't take her long to finally get the correct answer. "Hey, you got it. Nice job." Hailee congratulated, giving the girl a fist bump. Maeve smiled slightly, sliding her math homework away in her backpack before laying in her bed with a sigh. "You ever been to the creek?" Hailee asked after a moment of silence, Maeve sitting up to make eye contact with the brunette who smirked back, winking at her as they both stood up to grab their jackets and shoes.


Maeve watched Hailee with an unknown feeling in her gut, seeing the brunette being so soft and calm was a whole different side of her. She noticed the way Hailee delicately ran her fingers along the edge of the water, her index finger pointed straight out as she carried butterflies, ladybugs, and even humming birds from time to time on her finger. Hailee picked up a pink dahlia, holding it up to let it glow in the sunshine of that breezy evening.

"I didn't take you for a nature person." Maeve broke the silence, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she walked towards the girl, standing mere inches away from her. Hailee glanced up at her, placing the flower carefully in Maeve's hair with a small smile.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." The Dawson girl stared as Hailee removed her jacket, tossing it on the floor next to her shoes that she took off.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a dip." Hailee winked, removing her shirt, leaving her in her sports bra and boxers as the sun started setting, the darkness soon following as they were the only two by the creek.

"Hailee!" Maeve chuckled when she noticed Hailee jumping in the freezing cold water, tossing her wet hair back as she splashed around. "You're crazy, you know that? Swimming without any clothes."

"Technically I have a bra and boxers on." Hailee countered with a smirk, blowing a flirty kiss to the Dawson girl as she dove under the water. Maeve stood there contemplating for a second before she threw her own hoodie off, her shoes sliding off next before her shorts and crop top were soon piled on top as well. She was left in her matching lacy bra and underwear.

Maeve strutted over to where Hailee was, just in time for the taller girl to emerge from the semi shallow depths of the water. Hailee's jaw almost dropped when she saw the body Maeve had hidden under her clothes. She was literal perfection. Maeve dipped into the water, appearing behind Hailee with a smile as Hailee watched her wiggle her finger, beckoning Hailee to come with her as she held her nose closed, disappearing under the water once again.

Hailee followed with a smile, their faces coming face to face under the water, the illuminating light of the stars above shining through. They both arose back up to the surface, Hailee's arms slowly wrapped around Maeve's waist, who in return wrapped her arms around her neck, sitting on Hailee's knee. Their lips inches apart as they both started leaning in. They stopped halfway through when Maeve cleared her throat quietly and whispered softly.

"We should probably get back home." Maeve slowly detached herself from Hailee who nodded, letting out a sigh as she watched her roommate walk out of the water and grab her things.

At least she got somewhere with her...

Or so she thought.

Roommates or More | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now