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Hailee and Maeve laid comfortably in bed, cuddled in each others arms. Maeve rested her head against the taller girl's chest, smiling as they watched Purple Hearts on Netflix.

"I'm changing your contact name." Maeve randomly stated and Hailee chuckled, tilting her head in confusion as the Dawson girl grabbed her phone. Maeve unlocked it, scrolling through her contacts till she reached Hailee's name. "Done."

Hailee squinted her eyes slightly as she looked at the new contact name. 'My Hottie ❤️‍🔥'. She laughed with a smile, shaking her head. "Maeve."

"What?" Maeve laughed as well, setting her phone down.

"Why did you change it?" Hailee asked as Maeve ignored the movie playing, moving to straddle her girlfriend's waist.

"Because you're hot." The shorter girl shrugged, looping her arms around Hailee's neck. Hailee shifted in her spot, her hands resting on the girl's hips. Maeve could feel the hardness slowly forming through Hailee's sweats. "Someone's excited?"

Hailee tensed up when Maeve's hand brushed over her crotch, her finger teasing her slowly. She sucked in a breath, watching as Maeve trailed her hand slowly up her crotch to her thigh and under her shirt to feel her abs that contracted under her touch. Hailee's breathing picked up and before she could do anything, Maeve was off her lap, beginning to rummage through her closet.

Hailee swallowed hard. "W-what're you doing?" Maeve walked out with a smirk, holding up a pair of handcuffs and a black blindfold. "Holy fuck."

"I'll let you take a guess on who's in control tonight." The girl sang teasingly, smirking widely when Hailee's bulge was very visible now, and had to cover it with her hands. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Hailee's breath hitched when Maeve pushed her down on her back, the blindfold now being placed over her eyes. She couldn't see now, but she could still hear the faint sound of the tv playing.

Maeve couldn't help but smirk wider at Hailee submitting so easily. Maeve's hand worked on Hailee's sweats, tugging at the waistband and pulling them down completely, the taller girl's shirt long gone soon after.

Maeve took of her own clothes, leaving her and Hailee both left in just their bra and underwear. Maeve was quick to use the cuffs, attaching Hailee's wrists to the bed posts. Hailee groaned, throwing her head back slightly as her dick rubbed uncomfortably against her boxers.

"Babe. Please." Hailee begged and Maeve smiled in satisfaction, her thumb brushing over the tip of her cock. Hailee whimpered, biting her lip so hard, she almost drew blood.

Maeve slowly sat up, admiring her girlfriend and her submissive state, as she slowly lowered Hailee's boxers, watching her dick spring out. She smirked, straddling her waist again as she slowly lowered herself onto Hailee's dick, watching as Hailee's face contorted in pleasure while Maeve's own head was thrown back, wave of euphoria fill her body.

"Fuck." Hailee groaned, her hands tugging at the cuffs, desperately wanting to see and touch her girlfriend who was now riding her.

"Oh shit." Maeve moaned and closed her eyes, her hands mindlessly moving to remove the blindfold. Hailee's eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of Maeve bouncing up and down on her dick.

"Fuck, baby." Hailee helped her movements, before slightly lifting her hips to thirst into her, helping Maeve to reach her climax.

As soon as Hailee hit Maeve's g-spot, the Dawson girl arched her back, a loud moan leaving her lips as she came all over Hailee's dick. Hailee kept her thrusting up, trying to reach her own climax and Maeve leaned down, moaning right in her ear which was enough to push her girlfriend over the edge.

"Maeve!" Hailee moaned and tugged uncontrollably at the cuffs as she shot her load inside Maeve, the latter moaning at the feeling.

"Happy one month." Maeve winked, kissing Hailee's cheek as the Steinfeld girl tried catching her breath.

"Yeah. Happy one month." Hailee whispered, a loving smile tugging at her lips as Maeve laid on her chest, hearing Hailee's heartbeat, brought her peace as she closed her eyes.

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