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Remember how Hailee thought she had finally patched up that hatred between her and Maeve? She was wrong. Very, very wrong.

Early the next morning, said girl was ignoring Hailee, getting pissed at every little thing and snapping harshly at her when she tried talking to her. Now that left Hailee extremely confused and hurt. Why did her attitude suddenly change? What did she do wrong? Was it Hailee's fault?

Those questions rang in her head as she punched the punching bag in front of her, raising her fists up as she let out heavy pants, getting every time her knuckles made contact with the bag. She punched and punched and punched like there was no tomorrow. Sweat forming all over her body as it dropped from her forehead, her breathing shallow as she stopped, removing the gloves and tossing them angrily at the wall only resulting in a soft thump.

"Take it easy there, champ." Hailee turned around to see her favorite teacher/mentor ever. Adam Sandler. "How bout we go get a milkshake and talk?"


Adam sat down across from Hailee, handing her the chocolate milkshake she got. "Gosh, you're so boring. Just plain chocolate?"

Hailee chuckled, shaking her head at her teacher. "Yeah, why? What'd you get?"

"Salted caramel with a butterscotch drizzle." Hailee grimaced at the word butterscotch, Adam noticing and shaking his head. "Oh come on! Butterscotch is amazing!"

"Of course you say that, old man." Hailee joked as they fell into a comfortable silence, sipping their milkshakes peacefully as they looked out the window of the restaurant. It was small, quaint and it had a nice 80's theme to it that made them both love it so much. Plus it was rarely busy so the small crowd was bearable.

"So tell me. Why the hell were you punching that bag like no tomorrow?" Adam broke the silence as the girl shrugged her shoulders. "No don't shrug your shoulders. I know damn well you have a reason."

"Girl problems." Those two simple words managed to get them both to connect on a deeper level.

"Ah I see." Sandler nodded his head as he sipped his milkshake, letting out a small sigh. "Closed off?"

"Mhm." Hailee nodded. "I know she's got something bottled up to go from almost kissing me to completely ignoring my existence."

Adam hummed in response, another moment of silence taking over before he spoke up. "Me and my wife got into an argument one morning." Hailee turned her head towards her mentor, listening to every word/life lesson he had. "And I knew the only reason she responded the way she did was because she never got a response like mine before. It was new to her. A trauma response, you know?" Hailee rested her chin in the palm of her hand with a thoughtful expression as she listened to Adam. "There's always an unknown anger in people like that, sometimes there's a reason, sometimes there's not but the only way they'll open up, all depends on how you are towards her. Prove to her you'll stick around."

"You know a lot about this, huh?"

"I've got experience, kid." Adam tossed Hailee a $20 bill, her furrowing her eyebrows at him. "Buy her some flowers or something." He winked and patted her back, grabbing his milkshake to go as he left the girl to be alone with her thoughts once again.


Maeve was walking along the sidewalk of the school, her music blasting through her ears as she stuffed her hands in her jacket. The sound of a car pulling up next to her caused her to take her earbuds out, turning to see Hailee in a dodge challenger, one hand rested on the steering wheel as she leaned back in her seat with sunglasses covering her hazel eyes.

"Let me take you on a road trip, princess." Hailee said as Maeve rolled her eyes, continuing to walk but stopping again when Hailee drove up slowly to keep up with her. "Come on." Hailee raised her eyebrows with a smirk as she watched Maeve roll her eyes again, opening the door and getting in the passengers seat. "Here." Hailee handed her a beer bottle from the cooler in the back, Maeve taking it as she placed it between her legs. "Let me know if you need another one." Hailee rolled the windows down as she turned her radio up, softly singing along to the lyrics as they drove off campus, and onto the highway.

Maeve snapped her beer bottle open, sipping it as her favorite song came on. Halo by Beyoncé started playing and Maeve tried resisting the urge to sing until she started humming it, Hailee listening intently with a small smile on her face as she adjusted her sunglasses on her face.

Maeve nodded her head to the beat of the music, sipping her beer again as she looked out the window, feeling the breeze of Los Angeles in her hair and face made her feel more calmer than ever. She didn't even mind being in the same place as Hailee right now.

They drove for about 30 minutes until Hailee stopped at a nearby beach, admiring the view of the ocean as she slowly got out of the car, Maeve following suite as she held her beer in her hand.

"Be honest, Steinfeld." Hailee turned her head to the girl. "Why the fuck are we here?"

"To have some fun." Hailee smirked as she took her shirt off, tugging at Maeve's hand who held in a laugh and tried to not smile when the taller girl pulled her towards the ocean. "Come on, you know you want to." Hailee teased as she inched closer to the water, slowly walking in as she stared at Maeve with a smirk the entire time.

Maeve couldn't help the smile that finally emerged on her face as she removed her own shirt, kicking her shoes off as she ran after her, Hailee watching her as she tried to catch her but Maeve was a faster swimmer. The two chased each other, laughing and smiling as Hailee splashed Maeve who stared with a shocked look while the Steinfeld girl laughed her ass off.

"Or you're so gonna get it, bitch." Maeve splashed and even bigger wave of water towards Hailee who's hair for soaked from it. Now it was the shorter girls turn to laugh and swim away quickly as Hailee smirked, swimming after her.

"Gotcha." Hailee whispered when she spun Maeve around, pulling her close to her chest to hold her there, surprised Maeve didn't pull away from her yet.

"Yeah, I guess you did." Maeve whispered as she slowly leaned in, Hailee following before she stopped.

"Is this okay?" Hailee asked as Maeve hesitantly cupped Hailee's cheek, wrapping her legs around the taller girls waist.

"Yeah." Maeve whispered back as they both slowly smashed their lips together. It was passionate but slow and soft, not desire but affection and love (though neither would admit their feelings), they continued to kiss, the sunset adding a perfect aesthetic touch to their special moment. It felt like fireworks were exploding as both of their hearts fluttered uncontrollably, smiles gracing their lips as the kiss slowly went on.

When they pulled away, Hailee brushed a strand of Maeve's wet hair behind her ear, kissing her lips once more before staring down at her with a look of adoration and love. "Not gonna run away this time?" She whispered in a playful manner as Maeve shrugged.

"Right now? No. In the future? We'll see." Maeve smiled as she effectively shut Hailee up with another life changing kiss that they both sighed contently from.

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